Tuesday, June 5, 2012,
Hey all! Just wanted to let you know, this blog is up and running again. Can't wait for it to start now! For the ones who're unable to go on Livejournal, I've started this blog just for you. <3 For the ones who're on LJ, I'll still be continuing to make entries on it...don't worry. I've never left LJ...how can I when I've my most favorite sisters on it? ;) As for this blog, what I hope to achieve, is make some new friends along the way and make it a lasting one. Plus, I miss having to be able to customize it to my liking just the way I like it. You can make your own gif banners like the one I have up, as well as choosing your own template for it, etc. You can tweak it to how you want it to look on bloodspot, unlike LJ where you're sort-of limited as to what you want to do on the templates and customized banners. About the only fun part I have on LJ, is adding people's LJ usernames within your entry, using customized icons to identify 'you', and personalizing it more to your personality on it. I don't know...each has it's own positives and negatives about each domain. But, at the end of it all, at least I can start making entries again for both in relation to Takki and/or T&T now. So, start jotting this blog address down because you'll start seeing a lot more postings again on this one. (besides my wall postings on FB) XDD
I've something to share with you all. Last night, while I was falling asleep on my laptop, do you know I had the strangest dream with Takki in it? It was SO weird! 
I can't remember what it was about...but, all I know is, I was doing some comments and making personal messages to people on Twitter, as well as looking at other people's Twitpic photo albums and whatnot with Takki pics in them, and for some reason, I started falling asleep and dreaming of him. hahahaha
And, it was a strange one because it had something to do with my parents in it as well. lol I was like, yikes...that was strange. LOL My parents? What da heck were my parents doing in my dream with Takki? hahahaha Weird. :P Anyway, tell me what you think. :D
In the meantime, here's a snapshot of what my Macbook Pro laptop screen looks like right now. I know...lots of icons at the moment taking up space on my screen. lol But, if I keep making folder after folder with all my 'stuff' in them, I'll end up forgetting what I even have in each folder. Majority of the text icons I have on my screen, are mostly links, either to download or to post on my FB wall for sharing. Hope you like it anyway. It's one of my many favorite photos of him.
9:45 PM