(see next entry for strickly pics)

(left pic) Myojo 08.04 - Poporo 08.04 (right pic)
Ohhhh gawd, you’ve GOT to see this month’s mags!!!! *squeeeeee* They’re not only sooooo kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiii this time, but some of the photos were funny, some serious, and some way cuuuuuuuuute. ^_^ I just have to emphasize ‘cute’ because…well…the photoshoots just ARE. lol :P You’ll see what I mean when you see them. (homg) And for some of the pages for each mag issue, I actually cut (using my photo editor program) some individual pics from the pages cuz I took photos of them using my keitai camera and put them as my wallie background on my keitai. :P Now, it looks as though I took the photo myself using my own camera…it’s so cute! XDD =D Gosh, T&T really took such cute pics for the April Myojo & Poporo mags. I can’t stress that enough. I know I’ll start sounding like a broken record for this month but, it’s so true. lol ^_^ I hope you’ll all love’em just as much as I do.
Just wait'll you guys see the Popolo one...omg~ lol Some are waaaaaay cuuute, esp. w/the red-double-decker bus!! *kyaaaaaaaa* (playing 'tourist') Eh...T&T, can I come tag along w/you guys too? lolol :P
Now I can’t wait to see how they’ll take pics for the month of May. *squeeeee* o_o
And you know what’s so weird? I noticed Japan prints their mags 2 months in advance…why is that? This is only the month of February and they’ve got April’s issues already. -_- I can’t understand it… It’s different from America, as we go month-to-month. Like say, since this month is Feb., we’ll print the mag for the month of Feb., NOT April. :P Japan’s weird in that sense. lmao Only now I’m saying this, of all things. lol
*Reiko’s dilemma w/the T&T dvds*
Ohh…I need to say this real quick too. About the new T&T dvds that’s coming soon, I’m finally gonna get the chance to pre-order mine on Monday night. I say Monday nite becuz on that day is when I’m putting my money into the bank. lol That way, I’ll be ready for pre-ordering by nightfall online. And this time, I’m buying from HMV, not thru cdjapan. I know cdjapan’s got a poster as a ‘bonus’ w/your order but, screw the poster this time. (gawd, I hate saying that too…I just know the darn poster will probably be super kakkoii, knowing my luck >_<) See, the last time I tried buying from cdjapan, they screwed me over from placing my order in the buying process due to this stupid Verify Visa thing w/my cc. I tried several times to go through, tried various email addresses and such, nothing. I couldn’t go through w/my order. So, I had to end up canceling my membership all together w/cdjapan and now I’m going w/HMV instead. I hope I’m not doing the wrong thing. I dunno…maybe I’ll try one last time again before finally giving up completely. And this time, I hope they won’t expect me to become a member before placing my order either. See…what if I was just buying a gift for someone, and I didn’t want to become a member? There’s got to be a way for me to purchase something w/out becoming one. Dame dame~ -_- Ohh…sorry I forgot to say, I’ve finally made up my mind and decided to only buy T&T’s Premium Live DVD – 5th Anniv. Special Pkg, Jackets A & B… and the Yukinojo Henge dvd box set. I’ve decided to not get Jacket C because it’s ‘regular edition’. Figured later on, I can get it when it comes to the store where I’m at. For now, since Jkts A & B are ‘limited ed.’, thought I’d get those first. And, I spoke w/the sales asssociate at Sanseido bookstore and she said they don’t bring in ‘limited ed.’ stuff. -_- So, even more so I have to get the limited ed ones online. Now, she said they can order for me the Yukinojo Henge dvd box set if I wanted, as it’s a dorama. But, I thought of buying it w/HMV instead. I think Sanseido will charge me double the price of what HMV sells anyway. It’s cheaper for me to buy online, but not by much. I also think the sales associates at Sanseido tend to forget that whenever you place an online order, they forget to add the shipping cost as well. So to them, they think it’s cheaper than what the store charges, not realizing the shipping & handling costs that are involved. So, it pretty much comes out to the same amount when you really think about it. I’m not saving myself much by buying from the store. I can see if it was a $20.00/USD difference, but it’s not. Go figure… :P lol Soooo, I thought I’d buy myself an ‘early’ bday gift for myself since I’m using the money my parents gave us for our wedding anniversary coming up next month (March 17). And, since my bday does fall on March 23rd, thought I’d buy myself a ‘special’ gift. XDD *Reiko’s bday is 6 days before Takki’s!!!!*
And guess what? My bday is 6 days before Takki’s!!!! *kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa* @_@ I SO love my bday. *squeeeeee* Gawd, it has ‘new meaning’ for me now. Before, I hated having it fall on Spring Break during high school because I could never celebrate it w/my friends since everyone was out of school. Now, omg…it’s 6 days before Takki’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And you know what’s sickening? T&T’s last date of their ‘Best Tour’ concert this year falls ON THE DAY OF MYYYYYYYY BDAYYYYY (March 23rd), DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -_- NYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~ and I can’t go!!!! *fcuk fcuk fcuk* Sorry for swearing but, I have every good reason to this time.
1) I’m dead-broke, and 2) even if I could go, my hubby will kiiiiillllllllllllllll meeeee for even ‘thinking’ of going. The last time I wanted to do this (and behind his back) was the year ’06 (I think) around November, and we almost ended up in divorce over it. -_- Yeah. Tell me about it. I don’t even wanna go there…and pleeeeeease don’t ask me to explain either, cuz I won’t. (too painful of a memory for me; it was that bad) Just when things are going good with us right now, I don’t want to repeat what happened to me the last time.
So, unfortunately, I’m unable to visit Japan…and the thought of going is probably ‘nill too. *cries* Oh well… Maybe hopefully ‘some’ day…just not for a really, really long time. *sigh*
Hey, who knows…maybe I can get to go to Japan w/my ‘Japanese friends’ who’re from Japan. lol :P It’s a thought…and a start…hehe~
Ok…so, thought I’d just mention about the new mag scans and wanted to post them here. Enjoy~XDD And plez do tell me what you all think this time around (whether you agree w/me or not). XDD ^_^