Thursday, October 4, 2007,
Hey, everyone~
*waves shaka sign*
Sorry I hadn’t been able to do any recent entries but I’ve been ‘busy as a bee’ as usual. I’ve knocked off most of my ‘online life’ these days looking for pics, emailing, commenting on blogs & websites, and that’s also including making new entires to my blog. I’ve been spending a lot more time with my family instead of on the comp and it’s helped my marital relationship grow more in love with one another again. =) Not only has my hubby seen the results but my 4yr. old daughter has seen the changes in me as well toward her and spending a lot more time with them. It’s actually nice for a change to finally be almost…well…’normal’ again. lol :P
Now, I don’t mean to change the subject here but, if you all can ‘shhhhh’ for me a bit, what I’m about to tell you is a little bit of a surprise. We’re actually…trying…for another child again! *whooohooooo!* (pumps fist) Well, it only happened once (recently) before all 3 of us caught nasty colds but, hey. At least the ‘thought’ of another child is on our minds again. ^_^
For a long while, because we kind-of sort-of grew ‘out of love’ with one another (and out of sync) for such a long time, I never thought I’d ever see this day happening…ever. I ended up thinking it’s almost as if we’re just ‘going through the motions’ daily with one another, being married and everything. I used to become depressed and sometimes sad whenever I’d think about it, but choosing to be ‘out of sync’ with my online life was the best medicine for me in the end. It was the best for me and my hubby’s relationship, even though it hurt like hell the first time I was away from the Net for so long (when my mother visited us back in August). Ever since then, I hadn’t been online very often. As the days and weeks progressed, it ended up becoming so easy to not be online much, to the point where I never felt like I HAD to be on the comp or on the Net all the time, 24/7. That was how my life was back then (from Dec.’05) when I became so engrossed in this whole Takki-obsession of mine.
I was diagnosed with what you call ‘a compulsive Internet user’, and developed an Internet obsession, caught in the Net. I’ll explain that a whole lot later in another entry but, my life right now has never been better. =) My hubby and I started doing our ‘daily talks’ with one another again, catching up on the latest news with his work, my daughter’s school activities in her class, our families from back home (Hawaii), etc. etc. And, my daughter has grown ever so close to me, more than ever now too. (I can totally see the difference) Everything is ‘Mommy, mommy, mommy!’ lol She hugs me a lot more than how she used to before and everything about her is much more happier and joyful. I don’t know…but, I can’t seem to put my finger on it at the moment. I don’t think an outside person looking in can really tell there’s a difference, but you’d have to actually live with us in order to see a major difference.
I saw a desperate need for change in my personal life and I knew I needed to react fast about it, or my marital life would’ve ended up in ruins if I kept continuing the path I was leading. It was a terrible road I don’t even want to think about or what could’ve possibly happened if whatever happened (going to Japan to a T&T con) did happen. I know I don’t make any sense here but, like I said, it’s a long story. :P Well, to make a long story short, let’s just say my marriage would’ve ended up in divorce if I continued to stay the course. (it was that bad) =_=
Anyway, sorry to sound so depressing here with this entry but, it’s something I had to celebrate with everyone. I just couldn’t contain what I was feeling any longer.
Now, that doesn’t mean I’m not going to blog on my blog anymore, just not that often. I figure, maybe only twice a week. What do ya think? I think that’s a sufficient and reasonable enough time spent on this blogchan, right? Sorry I’m unable to do this on a daily basis but, it wasn’t my idea for that to happen in the first place. I’m unable to keep up like how Michelle and Bonnie have been doing, and my blog is actually a more personal one. I liked the thought of this blog being more ‘personable’ and mixed-in with topics about myself and daily on-going things that happen in my life, not only just about T&T or Takki. ^_^ Now, I’m not saying I’m not having anything here on Takki…of course not. lol ^_^ I wouldn’t call this blog ‘My Tackey, My Sadame’ if it wasn’t. Just, a little mixture of both, that’s all…about me and Takki. (hee hee…) Oooohh…I likie the sound of that…me & Takki…*sigh*~ j/k j/k :P
Okokok…gomenasai ne. lol But, just thought I’d share my innermost feelings about my blogchan and what I was feeling for the past couple of months.
Below are some current mag scans of T&T and Takki I scanned from my own mags I thought I’d post since it was sort-of a long time coming I even had any mag scans, period. lol Now, tell me what you think, and don’t hesitate to ask if you’d like larger scans of any of these. Enjoy~XDD
Winkup 0710

Kindai 0711 - Takki
Duet 0710 - Takki

Labels: Oct. 1 entry
8:41 AM