Hey everyone. Sorry I hadn’t been on my blog lately (or for a long time) as I’ve been really busy again. Last week Sunday (April 27), I went out with a girlfriend, Christine, of mine (my daughter’s teacher; we’ve become close friends) and she taught a scrapbooking class at the local YMCA. So, since the class was ‘free’, I thought I’d come along for some scrapping with her.
I'll have you know that scrapbooking has been a long-time hobby of mine (aside from my T&T/Takki hobby…lol) and I hadn’t touched scrapbooking since I had given birth to my daughter back in 2003. I also got back from Disneyland awhile back, so I wanted to finally have the chance to do something with the pictures. (make a Disney scrapbook) I made a 12 x 12 2-page spread, but that’s about it. lol I have one more page I’m almost finished, so not too bad. There were about over a dozen women that showed up, and one woman came with her young daughter too (looked like in elem. school). *cute* We had so much fun scrapping. lol :P And, my friend drove me to the place so at least she had some company, catching up on stories with me.
But no…I didn’t have the guts to play one of my T&T cd’s in her car. lol I dunno…perhaps, maybe next time. ^_^ But I did play one of my ‘old-school’/hip-hop/rap ‘bass’ cds. lolol
I think about the only ‘outside’ friend of mine I let listen to one of my T&T cds was Jackie. She’s the one that supports my ‘obsession’ with Takki and T&T. She also thinks Takki is *hot*/good-looking/cute too. ^_^ (too bad she’s not a Takki-fan…lolol) She and I chat about him every so often online. :P Oh gosh, I SO need her to see his new Nissin pasta CM! O.O She’s gonna freak out when she sees him in a suit esp. speaking Italian. *oooooh la la* ^_~
Well, my daughter also caught another cold, with fever for 3 days straight (Sunday, Monday & Tuesday) of all things, starting from this past Sunday. (poor thing) I had to keep her from school for 2 days with fever that fluctuated above 100 degrees. On the second day (Tues.), her fever finally went down to about 98.5 or lower. Now it’s just her sore throat. It’s too bad she doesn’t like sucking on throat lozenges nor those sore throat strips. I hope there’s some sore throat liquid medication around in drug stores. -_-
Thought I’d take her back to school on Wed. as the school can still administer her medication, as long as it’s off-the-counter. Didn’t need to go to the doctor, as they always make sure you tried everything yourself first before calling them for an appointment. Now, she's ok so that’s the main thing.
Well, back to my entry…
I hadn’t had the chance to come to my blog and do any recent postings since I’ve gotten back from Disneyland. Needless to say, I’ve also been chatting so much too with a couple of fangirl friends on a daily basis, almost all day too. lol :P So, I wasn’t able to come for quite some time.
*Coincidence occurence with Reiko & Takki's Nissin Spa! pasta CM*
Well, I wanted to post about something that happened to me on Thurs., April 24, that I thought was ‘a coincidence’.
Since my daughter is now attending Preschool full-time and my hubby was at work all day, I decided to pick up my special order of the Top Stage (08.05) magazine that came into Sanseido bookstore that morning. They called me a few days ago telling me my mag was ready for pickup. I also bought the new Poporo & Myojo (08.06) mags too since they all came in last week Wed.
After buying them, I ended up wanting to eat lunch since it ended up being around lunchtime. I spotted a sandwich place while heading toward my bank. Decided to eat there since I figured it was one building next door to the bank. It sure was crowded as there were many business people that came to eat at the mini-mall area. (there were several more eating places)
Instead of going to the sandwich place, I spotted an Italian restaurant called Viva Pomodoro – Pasta Pizza Panini. It’s a very casual, dine-in/take-out rest. so, you can either take out or eat in. Thought it was a nice restaurant and called my hubby to let him know I finally found a nice, Italian rest. we could eat at if we’re ever in the area in the future. He sounded interested. Anyway, I’ve never eaten there before and just went on a whim. I ordered a linguine pasta dish with marinara sauce. It came with one slice of garlic bread and a small caesar salad as part of the ‘lunch specials’. For $6 dollar something, you can’t go wrong. It smelled good when I walked in, the food was very tasty, and the items were very reasonably priced.
Little did I realize that after chatting with my fangirl friends that afternoon, Takki had done a new Nissin Spa! CM for for pasta. Gosh, talk about uncanny timing for me. Here I’d just finished eating some really tasty pasta at an Italian rest. for lunch and then came his new CM with pasta!! @_@ *hi-5s Takki* (whoooohoooo) And Italian food is one of my favorites, aside from eating Asian food and seafood too. Cool!
After seeing him in the 30 sec. clip, OMG…@_@ *dies* He’s SO sexy/kakkoii-looking wearing a white suit with shades!!!! And, daaaaamn, he makes for a *HOT* ‘mafia’ guy. lol But, I’m not particularly fond of ‘an Italian-speaking Takki’ though. lolol I saw the CM on youtube but it was so fast for me enough to think about grabbing it and turning it into a vid clip for myself off keepvid. LOL It's ok as I now have the actual clips to these. ^_^ (except for the 15 sec. one)
Even the 15 sec. clip was cute too, esp. toward the end when it showed that chubby-bald guy watching Takki eat and Takki made that funny face like, ‘Eh, get your own!’ lolol :P Usually I don’t care much for the 15 second ones but, this one was cute and funny.
Of course, the best was the 30 sec. one. I loved the ending when Takki was sitting on the chair and he finished eating the tub and stuck out his arm for the guy to take the finished tub as soon as he was done eating. lol And the part where all the guys (incl. Takki) jumped in the air with their eyes closed while eating…cuuute! lol It reminded me of them being in ‘heaven’. hahahaha Maybe it was supposed to be like that. lol :P

Oh! And I cannot forget Takki slurping the pasta noodles into his mouth! O.O We get to watch him eat again…*kyaaaaaaaaaaa* Soooo cute (and sexy) the way he does it too. I never thought I’d ever say that in the same sentence about Takki (cute & sexy) while he eats. But, when you’ve seen that part of the CM of him eating pasta noodles, omgosh. He ‘turns me on’. ^_~ *runs/hides* (pssst, Takki…can I watch you eat pasta? I know it’s rude to watch someone eat, but…*onegaishimasu!!*)

But Takki with his shades…HOMG~ O.O I nearly fainted when I saw him like that wearing a white suit. Totally reminded me of the X-Dame PV when T&T wore those blk suits in the ‘Crazy Rainbow’ nighclub, ‘dressed to impress’. ^_~ Of course, Takki doesn’t have to impress me from this CM in order to get MY attention…hehe~ He’s got my full attention, day and night, 24/7/365. lol :P ^_~ *wink* Daaamn, baby…he’s one *hot* Japanese/Italian-speaking mafia dude. lol :P *pffffft*
Then, when my fangirl friends sent me links to d/l-see these CMs, I grabbed them but becuz the college comps shut off their volume on it, I was unable to hear him speak Italian. But when I got home and watched it again (and turned up the volume a bit…lol), kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ o.o Takki speaks Italian!! (though he sounded ‘funny’ speaking it being Japanese) Some words though still sounded japanesy-like; I guess becuz of his Japanese-accent. (it didn’t sound Italian; some parts) It’s ok though…at least he tried right? (that’s the main thing) No one’s perfect. Still. That’s pretty good considering even I don’t know how to speak Italian. lolol *pffffft*
But, gosh that pasta looked good. *yummm* (and Takki too…hehe) See, now I wanna buy that Spa! pasta. Wonder if Mitsuwa will bring this item into the store for me to try. Hmmm…I’ve seen their many other pastas too but never tried them. Now, if only they’ll bring in this one, I’ll be in ‘heaven’. (sort-of) I say ‘sort-of’ because they won’t bring in the ‘real’ Takki with your pasta. :P lol

Now looking at that ad of him sitting on the chair facing forward, crossing his legs with the pasta in one hand and a fork in the other, they should’ve changed his tie to a red color or maybe the same color as his suit. I love silver, don’t get me wrong. It’s just a thought… At first, I didn’t think silver, white, black, and red wouldn’t match but, I guess it does.(on him, anything matches >x< *NO FAIR*) LOL
Now, doesn't Takki look so COOL (and handsome) wearing a suit like this? *melts* (esp. w/that half-smile of his; well, almost) ^_^
And look at him wearing a bib...kawaiiiii ne? lol
Well, just wanted to share what happened to me last week when I ate at a new Italian restaurant for pasta. ^_^