Earlier during the week, I was thinking back to T&T 'teen' days (or around the time when they were in their 20s...lol) and thought back to how Takki's hair was too back then when it was shorter and black. (Venus days) Anyway, found a couple pics that might bring back memories for you...seeing the one on the left did anyway. @_@ *faints* Chose one pic of my favorite pics of Takki during that time and pasted it with a more recent photo of him together on one pic, kinda like a make-shift wallie I guess. lol I HAD to make it large in size just to emphasize, you know? *wink* ^_~ Anyway, hope you all likie...enjoy~XDD
(credits: Nere @ http://www.takizawa-hideaki.net (gallery) for rt photo; don't remember where I got the one on the lft, gomen >_<)
Also, FINALLY finished making my 'hontoni belated' Takki AMO CM screenies and pasted them like a negative slide. (that's what it reminds me of...sort-of anyway). lolol Hope you also like too. Please DO NOT take off the tag/title to this slide...thanks~ ^_^ I just love watching this new AMO CM over n'over again. :P

Gosh, I'm sooo behind in a lot of entires on T&T or Takki, it's unbelievable these days. *sigh* I wished there was time for me to catch up but, oh well.
Btw, while typing this new blog entry, I'm at the university library as we speak, scanning the new 07.12 Poporo mag issue.
Omg...you HAVE to see this one too because I think you'll all love this interview (even tho I have NO CLUE as to what they're talking about becuz I don't know/can't read Japanese to save my life! >_<) and the pics. 1) T&T is SO SEXY and KAKKOII in suits!!!! *kyaaaaaaaaaa* 2) Takki looks so kakkoii-sexy wearing a crisp, white, long sleeve shirt, unbuttoned a bit while half-lying down @_@ 3) I think this may be an interview to pay attention to because (now, correct me if I'm wrong) this may be an interview we've all been waiting for...they talk about 'love, proposals, relationships', etc. *DIES* I dunno...that's what I saw for the titles for some questions. (I think this was 10 questions-type-of-thing
Sorry, I'm still working on them as we speak. (Miron...you definately know what I'm talking about...we chatted about this jus now...lol) Gonna work on the scans tonight and will post them on this same entry tomorrow morning.
Below are the new 07.12 Poporo scans as promised...
(Page 1)
(doesn't Takki look sooo SEXY like this? @_@ Just wait...it gets even better after this... ^_~)
(Page 2)
(here's Tsubasa wearing a suit...*sigh*...he really looks handsome like that, though I don't particularly like his 'hige' or mustache. Gomen...I liked him better w/out it. lol)
(Page 3)
(omg, Takki lying down like this wearing a suit w/his shirt slightly unbuttoned a bit reminds me sort-of like the 'Taiyou no Kisetsu' dorama when he did all those sexy, steamy love-making scenes w/Yuki. Remember the first time they made love in the hotel room? @_@ *faints) 
(Page 4)
(again...*faints*...love the way he has one leg up like that, looking slightly away. I swear, he just always looks so good with those side-angle poses.)
(Tsubasa again...*melts*...love this suit on him)
(Page 5)
(love, Love, LOVE this one...it's my favorite of this entire photoshoot. For some reason, I guess because of the way he's holding his shirt like that, makes me think of 'sexy thoughts', my mind wanders, and has me thinking 'He should take off that shirt, yo!' lol ^_~)
(Here's Tsu again. Don't particularly care much for this one though...dunno why. Kinda grainy the way it turned out...gomenasai ne~)
(now doesn't Takki look so SEXY, lying down posed like this? @_@ *dies* He has that 'Taiyou no Kisetsu' look here...kyaaaaaaaa~) :P
(I have no clue what this is or what it's saying. Can anyone clarify for me...anyone? Thanks! Don't know what interview or whatever this is...gomen. >_<)
(well, found this interview/article 2-pge spread in the same mag on Takki's new AMO CM. Pretty cool pics, huh? I thought so... ^_^)

(here's the second page...love the 'making-of' photos to this CM)
Thanks for your patience w/the uploads of these scans. Hope you all enjoy and please don't hesitate to tell me all about them. *squeeee*