
Wednesday, February 6, 2008,

**Takki wallies, banner & 'other random picspam stuff'**
(pending post...more stuff I'm putting...)

How's everyone doing lately? Is everyone getting ready for Spring Break soon or something because I'm not sure if it's still exam time or not. (for Steph and the ones in college, please correct me if I'm wrong) -_- Seems like everyone's been pretty busy with doing lots of hw, tests, and projects going. Uggh~ I remember those days when it was so hectic, I felt like giving up at one point. Gambatte ne...and good luck with everyone's studies. ^_^ Let's try to do good this semester...*punchu punchu* (like Takki's Yoshhhhh~

Sorry I hadn't been posting and been taking such a long while to put up stuff. It's just, omgosh. Lately, it's been such a whirlwind for me with all my T&T goods and stuff coming in the mail like crazy these days ever since my One! dvd. seemed as if my fangals had 'sixth-sense' sensory or something because ever since my One! dvd arrived in the mail, everything else came the day after. (no joke) lol :P It was Xmas for me all over again...*KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!* @_@ *dies* Okokok, before everyone wonders 'what da heck is Reiko talking about?'...don't panic. I know everyone's waiting for all my con goods to be shown here. Well, I've FINALLY finished the scanning process of everything (literally...*whew*). Now, it's the tags on each of them and resizing them down that's the 'humbug' part. -_- I just HATE doing that but, I have to. (hope you understand 'why') Gomen, gomen...I'll chotto-haiyakuuu on it ne? :P

Oh! Before I forget to mention...I came across my fangirl's site on lj and she directed me to a link that I felt I hit the jackpot in d/lg vid clips, including Takizawa Enbujou dvd w/Engl. subs!!!! @_@ Omgosh, I've been waiting almost 'forever' in someone doing this, and omgosh. If there's anyone out there who'd want this...THIS site is IT in finding anything to do w/T&T and their vid clips. (i.e. Music Station, Music Fighter, Shounen Club, Zubari, etc. etc.) Whatever you can think of, this is the place to hit because ALLLLL of the vid clips are subbed in English...WHOA~ O_O I know...this place was like a 'treasure' at the end of the rainbow for me. ^_^ So, plez do comment on her site if you take any d/ls, and hope you all find something you've been looking for. (I certainly did)

Now, when you get in the site, off to the right side, there's a list of what JE (Johnny's Group) you're looking for. So, say for example, you're looking for T&T, look for 'Tackey & Tsubasa'. That's the tag they're listed under. Next, after clicking their name, go to the right-side of the screen again and click on whatever vid clip you're looking for. Or, you can just merely scroll down the page until you find something.

Here's the link:

For now are some stuff I've been meaning to post but kept forgetting or been too lazy to do. (gomenasai -_-) So...enjoy~XDD <3<3<3 and don't forget to tell me what you all think. =D

*Yukinojo Henge dvd box cover*
(already for pre-ordering on HMV, cdjapan and other sites online)

- Sugoiii na... Omgosh, when I first saw the photo of the dvd long ago on Mich's site, I swear I nearly died and went to heaven. *melts* This one is one of my all-time favorite samurai-type doramas of his next to Yoshitsune. ^_^

- Now I can finally get this dorama. Been wanting it ever since I saw it on someone's lj for the taking (HQ vers. too). Took this photo off of HMV's website. Now I wonder whether someone will be willing to sub this for me...(have to ask for doing it. *prays*)

-God, can Valentine's Day pleeeease hurry for me so I can start pre-ordering this for myself online? My mom's gonna send us some V-Day money over so, with my money, thot I'd buy this. This'll be my 1st box set I'll ever own.

*random 'stuff ' rasha found me*

(don't remember what mag I got this one from - Enbujou 2007)
- Sugoiii~!! O_O Not to mention so kireii with the falling sakura petals surrounding him...uwaaahh~ Myyy goodness...Takki can totally be 'My Sadame' on a white horse dressed in this kimono. ^_~
Love it! In fact, this photo is quite large enough that if you stretched it on your comp screen, it can make for a nice wallie. ^_^ (without the crease in the middle somehow)

(from Fineboys mag; don't rem what date/mo.)
-Isn't Takki so kakkoii/gorgeous-looking in this pic wearing a suit jkt & vest? Goodness, he can make for a really handsamu male model on Japan's GQ mag perhaps...^_~ *wishes* Just love this photo to death. (not to mention his hair in this)

(2U4U T&T wallie from cd)
- Omgosh, doesn't this one look hontoni cool/kakkoii-looking done with Adobe Photoshop (I presume)? Reallyyyy nice! XDD Love the way they used T&T's other cd photos into the backdrop and the way the title was made...sugoii~!! Hmm...maybe I'll use this one for the summer? lol :P

(T&T 2U4U wallie from cd)
- Now, I know what you're looks too dark right? Well, if you put it onto your home comp or something, trust looks GOOD. It's really KAKKOII-looking on the computer screen. lol ^_~

(a person's photo site full of T&T stuff)
- homg...doesn't this wallie remind you of a hontoni good Valentine's Day one? *melts* Ok...I need to tell you guys something. One day, as rasha & I were emailing each other stuff, she sent me this link to a person's blog...and low and behold, omgawd...I hit the jackpot with sooooo many, many, many, many photos, wallies, icons, etc. etc. I can't even begin to start. (seriously

- When I DO find the link to this person's site again, I'll post it on here. The work this person's done on these wallies with Adobe Photoshop are just too kireii/beautiful/priceless NOT to share. ^_^ Enjoy~XDD (there's more...TONS more where this one came from. I absolutely cannot post them on here because there's just too many) I promise to find the link soon for you all.

(wow...this same wallie like Takki's one above)
-Uwaahh...soooo kireii! *melts* o_o Omgosh, even this one of Tsubasa too is so pretty so I had to grab it for myself. ^_^ LOVE the use of butterflies in this Don't you just love Adobe Photoshop? ^_~

(another one again from this person's site)
-Isn't this Takki wallie so kireii? *melts* beautiful, esp. with the white roses. Almost reminds me of a wedding photo or something. lol ^_^ And look at another Takki pic in the backdrop (to the left). Simply...GORGEOUS~ XDDD <3<3<3

*Enbujo 2007 official 'offshot' photo*
- Again...if anyone out there has more of these Enbujo '07 offshot-photos and is willing to share them with me, can you *onegaishimasu*? I've been looking high-n-low for these and can't seem to find any. -_- (unless I'm looking in all the wrong places) :P Maybe on someone's lj perhaps? Let me know...thankx! For now, this is the only photo I've got to share. Thaanks, rasha! XDD <3<3

*Takki official Jshop photo*
- kyaaaaaaaa~ look at his smile! =D He looks so cute with his kawaii-dimples ne? ^_^ Now, this photo looks 'new', as I wonder whether this was one of the offshot photos from the '07 Xmas Kuricon pamphlet? He's wearing the same shirt as the Jshop photo I have that Azuki got me. Notice even T&T's Johnny's seal has been changed (bottom lft corner). Looks cleaner now...

(Enbujo 2007 pamphlet - inside pgs)
- Rasha emailed me these 2 collage pics so, don't know where she got these from. Btw, I bought this pamphlet too myself. A fangal friend of mine bought it for me along with the rest of my Enbujo goods back in the beginning of last year. I know I promised in posting the pamphlet scans on this blog so, I'll hurry on them. Still resizing camera digital photos down.

(Tokyo Walker 2008.01)
- Isn't Takki sooo cute here? (LOVE his hair!) Looks like he's cooking some kind of veggie/pattie (forgot what you call these...gomen) on the grill...sugoii! Looks so good, I'm getting hungry now...aaaarrgghh~ -_- Oiyyy, Takki...can you, like, share with me some o wat? lolol :P

*a fangal from the forum sent this in one of my messages*

(official Jshop photos of Takki & T&T)
- Ohhh lordy...doesn't Takki's biceps look *kyaaaaaa!* O_O God, he looks sexy~

-Omgosh! O_O If there's anyone out there who may have come across these sets of photos online of Takki in this blk tank top, by all means, can you please let me know and if you'd be willing to email them to me? *onegaishimasu* (or post them on the forum for us)

- bie04 sent this in one of my messages to an entry someone else posted about something and this set was chotto-small in size. Please let me know if you have ANY of them...thaankx! ^_^

*rasha_ryan's custom-Takki wallpapers she made me*

(rasha made me this banner for use on the T&T forum; just wanna share ^_^)

*REIKO* <3<3>

9:50 AM