**random 'stuff' with my life and Tohoshinki_DBSK_TVXQ Kpop grp...**
Heyy y'all...
Been quite busy again, even after the 4th of July National holiday here last Friday. *sigh* Seems like it never ends with 'outside life stuff'. I've been busy trying to get things together with my daughter's 5th bday party goods, booking reservations at a location, setting the date, etc. etc. So busy, so little time it seems. -_- (and so, 'stuff' just never ends...)
We're making it at a place called PlayTown for infants, toddlers, and older children her age. It's right down the street from where we live and, it's all kid-friendly. I like the environment because 1) you get to rent the entire place yourself, 2) it's fully air conditioned (it really gets cold), and 3) you can bring your own food & drinks for parties. Here, there's also a party story called 'The Party City' and we all go there for kid's party goods, balloons, etc. I'm picking up her balloons there again and this time, I'm not ordering catered food. Too much humbug and trouble. We felt we wanted to take it easy this time around and skip catering lunch for everyone. Why bother with catering, spending more money only for the adults, really. We wanted to go 'cheap' this year and since the American economy isn't doing so hot lately with gas prices sky rocketing, etc. we stopped on the food this year (year's past, we always catered food). The party will end 12 noon anyway so, perfect timing for everyone to eat lunch on their own. We'll only be buying pupu's (in Hawaiian pupu's mean hors d'oeuvres) and having cake and drinks. That's enough I'd say, really.
Now, to send off invites...*sighhh* -_- (didn't do so yet)
I wanted to let you all in on a very popular Kpop/Jpop grp I've come to become very interested in lately. They go by several different aconymns as well. lol Here's a little background on them if you're ever wondering.
TVXQ, an acronym for Tong Vfang Xien Qi, is a quintet Korean boy band formed under SM Entertainment, and later debuted under Avex Trax in Japan. Its five members specialize in the areas of singing, dance, a cappella, acting, and pop with an R&B vibe. Since debut, the group gained popularity in South Korea, China, Taiwan, Malysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and other East Asian countries.
TVXQ fans use various versions of the group's name in different countries. In South Korea, the group is known as Dong Bang Shin Gi, abbreviated as DBSG or DBSK, while the Japanese equivalent of the group's name is 'Tohoshinki' abbreviated as THSK. TVXQ, the acronym based on the Chinese counterpart of their name Tong Vfang Xien Qi, is the abbreviation officially used on all advertisements and products outside of Japan. Their name roughly translates as 'Rising Gods of the East.'
Group Name:
TVXQ (Tong Vfang Xien Qi) /Dong Bang Shin Ki /Tohoshinki
Debut: December 26, 2003
Label: S.M. Entertainment (Korea), Avex Trax (Japan)
Fan Club: Cassiopeia (Korea and international), Bigeast (Japan)
Balloon Color: Pearl Red
More about the group:
I want to share with you all some Tohoshinki scans I found from a fangirl friend's site. *thank you, angelicheart, for letting me share!* Hope you all like. ^_^ Omgosh, these mag scans are so *hot* and lovely...O.O I'm gonna try to see if I can buy this mag at Sanseido. (wish me luck) Hope I can find it...lol :P
**Arena 37C 0808** (Tohoshinki scans)
(3 of my favorite cuties! *.*)
(Yuuchun (I think that's his name...lol *gomen THSK fans*) is so kakkoii in this scan! LOVE his dancing esp. in the Koda Kumi MV 'Last Angel' feat. Tohoshinki...homg, this guy's got such talent.)
(Jae Joon; omg, he's so CUTE, kakkoii, and everything else. And, he can dance good too.)
(This guy almost looks like Juunosuke Taguchi fr. KAT-TUN; dunno why. lol This guy's cute though anyway. ^_^ Omg, his voice is awesome when he sings, esp. in ballads. *powerful voice*)

(*sigh*...kakkoii pics of him again...^_~)
(now, I 'think' this might be Heero...not sure of this guy's name in the grp. Sorry, my memory's lacking right now. You know how I am with memory. ~_~ *gomen* If I'm wrong, please correct me. But, I think this guy is sort-of cute too. At first, I didn't think so. But, he grows on you after awhile. And his voice when he sings...uwaaaaahh~ *.*)
(lovely pics! *kyaaaaaaa*)
(Wow...Tohoshinki are Asian Goodwill Ambassadors now? That's pretty cool! *thumbs up to DBSK* If only T&T would measure up to that level and become Asian Goodwill Ambassadors too, I'd be so happy...*sigh* Maybe hopefully some day.)
(Tohoshinki Tourcon pamphlet; autographs! *uwaaaahh!* Wowww...how come T&T's pamphlet booklets dun have autographs in them too sometimes. *pouts* Well, actually, I take that back. Now thinking about it, in Takki's 1st Enbujo pamphlet, it had his autograph in it and one of the T&T xmascon pamphlets had their sigs. lol Whoops, mybad...^_^)
Well, hope you all enjoy...and tell me what you think. =D ^_~ (even though you're no fan of THSK's)