
Thursday, April 17, 2008,

**0805 WU, Potato & Duet scans**

Heyyy...I'm finally back from Disneyland. *peace sign*

Actually, I've been back since April 12th but, couldn't come online due to my in-laws as they were still in town at the time. They left on Tues., April 14th. Too bad they didn't stay for a longer period of time. I guess this week, since they felt they were going to Las Vegas for their own mini-vacation, they only decided to stay with us for 1 week's worth. My daughter had so much fun playing with them, and I think her grandparents missed her immensely too. (I could tell by the way they interacted with her; poor thing)

We had a BLAST of a time in Disneyland! Ohhh gosh, I seriously don't know where to start. But, this entry, I've decided to put off my Disney vacation to the next entry, as I'm still working on it. lolol :P It's going to take some time (i.e. finishing writing my entry, resizing down digital camera photos, etc.) so, hope you all can wait a bit for it. (as well as my Vegas trip seeing MatsuJun fr. Arashi too)

I've also still yet to order online from the Disney website my photo CD! What the professional photographers do is, once they take a photo of you, they'll give you a small plastic card (shaped like a cc) with a code in back. Scan the code in and then you're able to order all the photos taken within the park (however long you've stayed too) online via their official website. You're able to share your photos w/family, friends, whoever and if you wish, you can also order your photos made onto a CD disc as well for keeps to do whatever you want with it. Cool huh?

I also am going to find out whether or not they have a copywrite paper for purchase. If one day I decide to make holiday greeting cards with one of the photos, I wouldn't have to worry about violating any copywrite laws, etc. One you've paid for this feature, the photos are yours to keep and do whatever you choose. I've done this in the past with a Sears holiday photoshoot with my daughter's photo. It was only $14.00/USD and it was really handy when I used the photo elsewhere to make holiday greeting cards. Pretty cool huh?

Anyyyyyway...changing the subject...

I've finally finished scanning in all 3 mags for this month. *whew* Sometimes, this can get pretty tiring. lol :P (but, I'm not complaining) I just have to 'gambatte ne'. *punchu punchu* This month's photoshoots were kinda-sorta 'ok'...nothing too elaborate, exciting, or 'kyaaaaa' about.

But, the Potato issue was one of my favorites this time. T&T so kawaiiii holding their grocery bags full of stuff they bought. Cute~ and Takki's bag looked like had a stick of french bread coming out of it. ^_^ *wonder what T&T's thinking of 'cooking' with the goods they bought...could it be...pasta again??* lolol :P j/k

Anyway...enjoy the scans~XDD (also posted these on the forum as well @ Btw, comments are always love ne? Oh! Before I forget, please ask first b4 reposting elsewhere, anywhere. Thanks! *peace sign* No sense in continuing to scan these if you'll only leech off of me only to repost elsewhere w/o asking me first. Thanks!

NOTE: Due to constant uploading, I've already posted the rest of the pages to all 3 mags on the forum. You can grab the rest of the pages under the heading, 'pictures-magazine scans'. If you want larger sizes than the ones posted on the forum or here, then email or message me on the forum and I'll upld them onto .zip files for you on MF.

(click on link),810.0.html

**Duet 0805**

**WU 0805**

**Potato 0805**

comments = love

10:15 AM