Another day, another week…
That’s how my life has been going for me lately. For me, time flies by so fast these days that it always seems the older I get, the faster the weeks go by, much less months. Can you believe it’s October already? My goodness! And it seems like only yesterday it was summer. (well, for me anyway)
Whoops…I almost forgot, but not quite. I say ‘not quite’ becaaaause…I need to say this outloud to all the Tsu-fans out there. So, for all the Tsu-fans and to Tsubasa himself…
”Happy ‘early’ Birthday, Tsubasa!!!!
I thought I’d shout it out now before I forget. Not that I’ll forget Tsubasa’s bday…no. Don’t take it the wrong way. Just that, because my life’s been so busy with all the hustle and bustle with my own family and everything, I know I’ll end up forgetting (gomenasai, Tsu! Jus bop me on the head, will ya? lol). So, I just wanted to make a ‘shout-out’ to Tsu-sweetie, that’s all. Hey…can’t forget our ‘other boy’ in the unit, right?
I also can’t believe Tsubasa will be turning 26 soon. Wow! Kinda getting chotto old there, huh Tsu? lol :P Just kidding, just kidding. And, just when I got through getting used to him being 25. =( He really has come full circle with his looks looking much more matured and handsomely fine these days. (esp. with the new haircut ) Omgosh…even though I’m not a Tsu-fan, I am also a teansy-winsy-bit of a T&T fan too. Take right now, as we speak, the TV Guide pic on Michelle’s website, the kakkoii-looking T&T anniversary pic. They’re both wearing sharp, black suits w/dress shirts tucked in dress pants. Whoa…if they dressed like that on a date with me, I think I’d be in ‘heaven’ (and faint ). lol But seriously. Not only does Takki look mighty FINE (as he always does in suits) in that black suit, but Tsubasa as well. Now, when I said
mighty fine, I meant Tsubasa too. Because, when I also say he’s turned ‘matured and handsomely fine these days’, in that picture, he
really does. I mean, look at him. He’s tall…slim…looks so kakkoii-looking in a black suit…and Tsu’s hair (finally) is cut to perfection. Now, if only Takki can razor and texture-cut his hair slightly shorter (on sides and back and still leave the spikiness on top) and die it natural black, I think they’d match even more handsomely as a duo. (dang!) *dies just thinking about them looking like that* They’d be the perfect unit, I swear. (not that they already are) *throws out peace sign with both arms stretched out and head to one side* But, go take a look on Michelle’s website and see for yourself what I mean. (20070921; TV Guide mag photo of T&T)
T&T, you both look SUPER-KAKKOII in black suits!!!! They should dress more often like this, deshou? lol ^_~ (I wiiiish…*melts* )
Now, back to my entry…
Since my daughter just turned 4 yrs. old in August…and when I think about it, pretty soon my husb. and I will turn…well, let’s just say…HONTONI OLD. lololol His bday is Jan.21 and mine is March 23. But first, it needs to be Xmas & New Year’s first before our bdays come along…hehehehe~ Good! At least by the time it’s our bdays, I’ll already have reveled in the New Year and Xmas by then. =) (and taken in T&T’s next Xmas Kuricon too…online that is… )
It’s also flying by so fast that T&T’s ‘Best Album’ is coming out shortly on Oct.17 (or do I have the date correct? Gomenasai if I don’t. Remember…I’ve been out of sync with the T&T fandom lately.) And… their next ’07 Xmas Kuricon will be in December too. Whoa~ No time for a breather here I see, ne? Yo, T&T…hold up will you? You’re going too fast for me to take a MUCH NEEDED break, yo. LOL :P Daaang! I best be getting myself a T&T fastometer or whatever you call it…just so I can catch up with them. (IF there even
was such a thing… ) *pffft*
Since time flew by me in an instant this time around, I might as well post the rest of my long-awaited Enbujo LIVE venue photos here from my Jshop official photo collection. I know I posted these before, but these scans are much better now…TRUST ME. I used the university library Media Center Mac comps w/HP hi-res scanners. Since I found the media to be my ‘free’ benefit, I might as well take the opportunity to my advantage while I can, as it’s open for public usage.
Gosh, and using the Macs and HP hi-res scanners, ohhhhhh how I miss using them sooooooo badly whenever it deals with graphics, media, and such (not to mention scanning in
Since I last used a Mac, I think it was back in 1997, and it was my mom’s old,
old laptop to boot. lol Remember those powerbooks back then? Omg, so embarrassing mentioning it. It’s so old I left it back home in Hawaii. Didn’t take it up with me when I moved to live in California. Figured I can buy myself a new one, thank you, even though my mom’s older Mac laptop is obsolete (and since she also gave it to me for free). I totally appreciate my mom’s openness in giving but, hey. It’s now considered ‘obsolete’ so…I desperately need a new laptop BIG TIME. Still didn’t buy myself one and am still looking around for top choices in laptops. Of course, I have no money to begin with. lol >< “Gotta save money, gotta save money” is my new montra these days. :P Too bad I have to do this the hard way. (saving money on my own w/no outside help) Even my husb.’s broke too. lol (well, sort-of
Ok...'nuff of my rambling on. Here are the new and improved scans to my Enbujo ’07 LIVE venue photo collection. Enjoy~XDD (sorry there's only 4 of them; that's how many I had a fangirl friend get me...I'm so *baka*. But, that's all I had money for at the time.) Will post the new 0711 mag scans in my next entry.

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