Thursday, February 14, 2008,
Just thought I'd make a 'quickie' entry here...gomen~
I'm rushing today because for us in America, it IS *Valentine's Day*...*squeeee* (as I'm writing this too) ^_^
I actually feel that (after being married for some V-day is really 'over-rated' to tell you the truth. *pffft* I know, I know. For those of you who have bf's, well...sorry I said that. (didn't mean to) But, here in America, my goodness...a LOT of 'married wives' expect their husbands to give them something on this day, like, taking them to dinner (i.e. wine & dine, etc.), receiving flowers (dozen roses, etc.), candy (chocolates), and whatnot. I, for one, don't really care after awhile about all that. Being married for over 6yrs...maybe it did that to me somewhat. lol :P I mean, of course if my husband were to give me that, I won't refuse. But, hey...sometimes, even if a person 'forgets' should be the thought that counts, you know? I think too many of us these days could get so wrapped up in all the 'hype' about it (or in our daily schedules) that, the 'real' meaning behind it can get lost. I don't take this day for granted, mind you. After all, I AM married and do cherish this day whenever it comes once a year. And, it has a whole new meaning for me now that I'm married. But, I dunno...maybe I shouldn't have said all this. lolol :P *pssst...Reiko doesn't know what she's talking about...* lolol :P
Well, to celebrate V-day today, just wanted to share a Takki-Vday card a close fangal (rasha) made me.

Thaaanks, sis for this card...soooo kawaiii~!! (and handsamu) ^_~ I chose this picture for her to do because I felt that his suit depicted a 'perfect' V-day pose...*melts* (dreams of Takki flying me on his lear jet to a fancy dinner at an Italian rest. in Italy w/champagne and riding in a limo for this day...j/k j/k j/k :P)
Hope you all like and do let me know what you all think. ^_^
*REIKO* <3<3<3
11:00 AM