(and a cuuute yukata for my daughter...tell me what u think of it so far. I still have yet to get her in it. lol Don't wanna ruin the plastic that's wrapped around it. lol I know, I'm so *baka* when it comes to stuff like that. Sorry this was taken w/my keitai again.)
Well, here are some of my keitai photos I took of the Johnny's shopping bag that the stuff comes in. lol I know, I had to take photos of this too. *whacks self* See, this is what the goods will come in if you purchase from one of the official Jshops in Harajuku. (I'm assuming)

Also, one of the photos, I took of my T&T photo album too. (like sarah ann's ^_^)
It just so happened my friend bought the same album sarah ann has. (read sarah ann's entry on her lj if you haven't already) Omg, it was like Xmas for me all over again when my friend & I met after she got back from her trip. We met at Starbucks near her place. lol It was so funny because all while I met her, my daughter was in Preschool and I squealed like a hs teen while looking at my stash. lol :P Goodness. I had to be very discrete about it because I was 'in public' lookin' at all the photos.
Ok. She also said 'never again' is she waiting in a long line @ a Jshop store. lol I warned her about the crowds but I guess she never thought it was THAT BAD. I think she went on a Sunday because, man...when I saw the date on the receipt (she gave it to me to keep btw), the date showed 'Sunday'. Should never go on a weekend when every 'Tom, Dick & Harry' will be there (incl. grandparents...lol j/k). But, she said she had to first, pick a #. Then, stand in a loooong line to get called. You're also designated a certain time too as to 'when' you're going to make your purchase. So, good luck. Cuz I ain't standin' in that long a** line! ><>would< stand in that long a** line juuuust for Takki goods! LOL :P)
Anyway, I only managed to do a few official photos...sorry. I'm still working on the rest.
Haven't gotten to the scanners at the university library yet as my 'new car' still doesn't have license plates yet. lol Don't wanna take it to the university & advertise 'steal me' already. Usually here in California, it takes 3 mos. (hopefully sooner) for plates to come in the mail. *sigh* I know, I know...so slow but you know how the CA state works around here. Because we're known to be 'car happy' (meaning, too many people that live in CA own cars), stuff like license plates, registration, etc. for cars takes friggen, forever. ><>
Ok...thot I'd post a quickie posting.
(my all-time favorite of Takki...*kyaaaaaaaaaaaa!*) (hey...when you've got a SEXY bod like Takki's, I jus HAD to make this one...lol Sorry I cut off Tsu but, I'll redo it and include the original photo w/my tag later on this blog)
Oh! Forgot...here are the 'real' car photos I took w/my keitai of my new car. Sorry the resolution sucks w/the pics...:P lol Tell me whatcha think.
(and yes, that's my daughter standing here...^_^)
(taken in front of my daughter's school ^_^)
I know my car isn't much but, hey. When you've got only a tight budget to work with, you take what you can get. And I'm not rich to own a Lexus, BMW, or Mercedes. I believe in working hard for what I wanna buy and not have to rely on 'mommy or daddy' in getting it for me. (not that they would anyways because I'm "married'...lol) I mean, I probably could've gotten a 'used' Lexus, Mercedes or BMW but, oh well. In CA, you have to deal w/adding luxury tax after the purchase too because it's considered a 'luxury car'. :P lol (glad I'M not there...LOL) Then, that's not including insurance...and the insurance sky rockets in CA because, again, it's considered a 'luxury car' and this is California we're talking about.So, for those of you out there who plan on buying yourself a 'luxury car' in the future, you might wanna rethink about it. You'll be putting yourself (or your parents) the dreadful thought of ALL the lovely expenses (on top of the car $price itself). -_-
Anyway, hope u guys enjoy the Jshop photos~XDD Please don't forget to ask & credit me if using elsewhere...thanks~ ^_^