**Potato 0810 (Takki scans so far)...and about my blog...**
Takki's *HOT HOT HOT!!!!* @_@
(page 2)
(page 3; the 'Perfect Man' ^_~) I’m so sorry I hadn’t been able to come onto my blog for any new entries lately. In fact, ever since July when my mother visited, my daughter’s 5th bday party, and ever since my daughter’s first day of Kindergarten started the ending part of August, it’s been a whirlwind of sorts.
Unfortunately, I’ll sadly have to say that ever since I’ve started volunteering to help once a week for her class (due to lack of hiring substitutes and shortness of teachers), I’m no longer able to come on my blog and do entries as often as I once did in the past. So, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming here often. *hug* I’ll only be able to do them every once in awhile now.
I’ll only be doing entries whenever I get any new con goods stuff with sharing of pics of the goods, wanting to *rant*/share/talk about any new Takki news (i.e. his new dorama coming soon, etc.), and pics of any T&T/Takki cds, dvds, and boxset purchases I may buy of any kind, etc.
I’ll also continue to post my monthly magazine scans for all 5 issues (I’ll try all 5 anyway) on both guys; that’s no problem. (i.e. Potato, WU, Duet, Popolo & Myojo) Feel free to continuously come once a month for them. Usually, Sanseido bookstore here brings in WU, Duet & Potato around the 7th of every month (beginning), and Myojo & Popolo at the ending part of every month (around the 21st or 22nd). ============= And speaking of mags, HOMG…I SOOOOOO have to say something here about the Sept. Potato issue in particular this month. *DIES* @_@ *kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!*
The moment I saw the mags at the bookstore, I fell in love with this month’s issue’s pics of Takki. You know how I feel about seeing him half-hadaka, with his 6pk abs, with no shirt on. I literally kyaaaaaaaaed and died right then and there with my neighbor and her daughter on Friday when they came with me and my daughter to Mitsuwa. For the first time too, I was able to ‘almost’ scream with a friend of mine after seeing Takki’s pics in the Potato mag. They both were surprised and were just like me (slightly) when they saw Takki half-hadaka in the pics. (what a pic to show them *embarrassed*...it was the first pic I showed them from a mag)
Since all of last week, I recently met up with my neighbor who lives downstairs of us. Her daughter just started going to middle school (6th grade) and they’re Caucasian. I’ve told the both of them all about my Takki obsession, brought up them to speed about Johnny’s (JE), the Jpop industry, etc. and I’m happy to report that I THINK I’ve gotten them interested in Takki. ^_^ Now, they’re not big fans like we are, but they DO think Takki’s SUPER CUTE. My friend (the girls’ mother) said he’s very handsome and cute and her daughter says he’s cute and sexy too. Her mom also said he’s got a nice body (she also noticed his 6pk abs). She was surprised he worked out and looked so good like that. She, too, works out at the gym a lot and watches what she eats.
In fact, her daughter also thinks he looks like he’s mixed, like he’s not just pure Japanese like we all think. She says somehow, he looks like he’s got some Caucasian in him, even with his lightly colored dyed hair and that he just doesn’t look Asian-looking like the other guys within the entire magazine. I even compared him to the other JE groups and from his past pics when his hair was dark blk and when he was a young, little boy. She’s still convinced that for some odd reason, he somehow, some way, in one form or another, looks mixed. I dunno why. Even both her parents think so. I told them I seriously don’t know how because he’s born and raised in Japan, and he speaks fluent Japanese. He may know some English but, not a whole lot. And, furthermore, Takki’s parents and family are all from Japan too. So, how can he be mixed or have Caucasian in him? O.O eehhhhhhhh???? lolol
It’s so weird to think of Takki as such. For me, I’ve always known or expected him to be pure Japanese. I’ve never questioned it before, never have, and never thought of it that way. But looking at the Sept. Potato photoshoot, especially in the 1st scan, he kinda-sorta does look ‘mixed’. Like, he doesn’t look pure Japanese in it. lolol :P
I dunno. All I know is, he DOES NOT have any Caucasian in him whatsoever…PERIOD. LOL bwuaahahahahaha Yeahhhh riiiiiiight, like I’m part mixed too, right? Tell me about it. *pfffffffft* I’m pure American Japanese myself. And if he did have any Caucasian in him, he sure doesn’t show it. For one, he can’t even speak much English to save his life. And two, his mannerisms and upbringing are like Japan’s customs…NOT like how we live in America. Puhleeeeeaaaase! =_= If his ways were like in the U.S. and more ‘free willing’ and carefree like the guys here in America, I probably still would love and appreciate Takki like I still do. I’m just so sick n’tired of the American-type guys, that's all. They don’t even come CLOSE to how Takki is, looks and personality-wise. >.< So don’t go tellin’ me he’s part-Caucasian/part-Japanese because he’s not. I’ll always think and accept him as pure Japanese and my heart and mind believes it to be so too.
Anyyyyway…back to the photoshoot. lol I can stare and drool at those 6pk abs all day and night. Holydang! @_@ *dies* This shoot is my favorite just because he’s so beautiful and sexy/romantic-looking in this one. (dreaming I’m in bed with him…shhhhhhh~ -_-) I’d been longing for Takki to do a half-hadaka shoot like this in a LONG TIME. ‘Bout time, dude! lol :P I was beginning to think he was becoming 'old' to do shoots like this since his teen years, like how KAT-TUN, Arashi, and others do now with their shirts off or with their shirts unbuttoned all the way showing bare skin. I thought Takki was thinking of himself as an 'old' man, not wanting or desiring to do a half-hadaka one anymore. *sniff*sniff* Thank goodness someone listened. lol Ever since this summer started I wished to see Takki like this. THANK YOUUUUU, TAKKI!!!! *chuuuu*kissu* lololo
And in the 3rd pic, TAKKI HAS GOT THEE PERFECT BOD, I SWEAR. *scream* Sorry…don’t mind me but, I recognize a prefect body when I see one. lol And no one else has got a prefect one other than him. *dies* (whoops, aside from Tsu…hehe~ he’s also got a prefect bod too. ^_~
I literally kissed his pic when I got home with the mags and after my husb. was already in bed, sleeping. My friend and daughter noticed that every time I kept opening up the magazine, and gazing into the pics, they both smiled and thought it was cute. They didn’t think I was crazy to be in love or infatuated with an idol. In fact, whenever I showed them his pic again (and again) they never got tired of looking at him either. They kept tellin’ me he’s so cute, or that he’s super cute. But by the end of the evening, Alicia thought (after staring at the 1st pic again), he’s really 'sexy'. Poor thing, she was so embarrassed to use that word in front of me but I told her don’t think that way, that it’s not a bad word. (she thought it was) She said he’s got such a beautiful, chiseled body. Her mother said he’s kinda young-looking but, he’s still very cute and handsome. I told her he’s still young…that he’s only 26 compared to she & I. lol But she does appreciate his toned, fit body like that
Ohhh…and the entire photoshoot of Takki’s, it still looks like it was shot in Hawaii (maybe the Big Island to be exact). You know how I can tell? In the 2nd page, bottom left pic, the juice carton gives it away. lolol It has the Meadow Gold red logo on it, and I know it anywhere. I’ve lived on Oahu for over 31 years so, I'm familiar with that logo. lolol I only said the Big Island because he stayed at the Sheraton Hotel on Oahu so, it must be a Big Island beach house. And since in last month’s Duet issue, his photoshoot was shot with a jet ski on the Big Island, then it must be on the Big Island. Now, judging that they had bought food items at a grocery store nearby, they must’ve rented a beach house to stay in for a little bit or something to do the shoot. And so cute there’s a box of goldfish ‘colored’ crackers too behind the juice carton. *aawww* My daughter and I love snacking on that. So cute, Takki. ^_^ I even see a bag of chips, along with some whipped cream (mmmmmm~ hehe), some dip, and a box of cereal (General Mills). I don’t know ‘what type’ of cereal it is, but I can tell the ‘g’ logo for General Mills on the box (next to the white microwave oven in back)
I want to snack on some of their food! He’s sure making me hungry. (coz, his bod is making me hungry too…hahaha...juuuuust kiiiding) *runs/hides* And the apple in his hand (2nd pic), looks like Fuji apples but, I could be wrong. lol (my fav. type of apples) I won’t eat any other apple other than Fuji apples in America. For some reason, it’s juicier and tastier to me...dunno why.
God, he looks so good wearing all-white. *drool* I love it when he wears baggy pants like that, along with a rolled up, long-sleeved shirt, unbuttoned showing his undies above the waist, with his chiseled 6pk bod. And, lying down on a pure, white comforter with his shirt unbuttoned all the way is 'pure sexiness'. He redefines the word ‘S-E-X-Y’. ^_~
He must’ve felt so peaceful though, being away from the city life for awhile, renting out a beachfront property near the water. How lucky and romantic to know you can get up in the morning and see/hear the waves rolling right outside your window. *sigh* O.O
What’s funny was, back in June, I told my hubby that I’ve always wanted to rent a beach house in the summer on Kauai where he’s from. His calabash aunt who lives in Hanalei owns several beach front properties, including a 6-bedroom one, fully furnished with everything in it. She rents them out to tourists and vacationers (incl. friends and family) and when my hubby told me about the beach homes, we both want to rent out one of them the next time we visit Hawaii in the summer. I think it be a great honeymoon for the two of us. We’ve never done that before and I think it would be great, esp. now that I know Takki’s done it already. ^_^ Kauai’s even more beautiful, just because it’s really country and laid back. That’s great though that Takki has branched out into venturing to the Big Island and not just visiting Oahu. There’s more to Hawaii than just one island. You’ve got to visit all of them. (well, most of them anyway) I recommend Oahu first if you’ve never been to Hawaii before, along w/the Big Island, Maui, Kauai, and then Molokai. I personally like the Big Island, Kauai and Maui, just because I’ve been there too many times to count. And as for Oahu, well…let’s just say I’m ‘native’-born so…hehe~ Now, I’ve never been to Molokai, and only my father has many years ago for a fishing trip. He says it’s really, really country-country living. lol But, he loved it nonetheless. Sorry for getting carried away. lol Just wanted to share my insight on the islands since I used to live on Oahu and have visited the other islands more times than I can count. Back to the pics...enjoy...and comments are Love. ^_^ Now, I'm gonna scan the rest of the mag (Tsu's pages) later, along with the rest of the other mags (WU & Duet) on the university scanner. Will post them with MF links for d/l. (providing I can grab a comp since school started again...uggh) *Reiko*
4:52 PM
About Myself:
100% American Japanese
Born in: Hawaii
Represent Cali
A dedicated Takki, T&T, JYJ, TVXQ, and DBSK5 fan
Watching JYJ & TVXQ Kdramas
Watching Takki Jdramas
Listening/buying Takki and T&T music
Listening/buying JYJ, TVXQ & DBSK music
The color pink (like Takki)
eating bento lunches
ramen, fried gyoza & crab shumai
ANY Japanese, Korean, Asian, and Seafood
text msging
taking pics
chatting on FB
collecting Takki, T&T, JYJ, & TVXQ goods
Long, winded arguments or discussions (esp. ones that go off-tangent or sidetracked from the original intended discussion)
Being impatient
Anti-fans who bash Takki, T&T, JYJ, TVXQ & DBSK
Leechers (people & fans who take without asking first from fan websites, forums, and/or personal blogs without asking for permission)
Copyright infringement (SUPPORT Takki, T&T, JYJ, TVXQ, and DBSK...Buy their cds!)
T&T Official Site ToBase Johnnys Net Utaban Music Fighter Za Shounen Club Shounen Club Premium HEY!x3 Music Station NikkanSports Sanspo Sponichi Yomiuri Daily Sports PlayGuide Ticket.co.jp