and 'random stuff' w/my life**
Well, on Tues., May 6, I was unable to chat with my two fangirl friends as we're always chatting on a daily basis. (try to w/my schedule-time permits myself and if no appointments) Took her to her doctor's as she needed to get a physical and immunization shots to get ready for Kindergarten this fall (Aug. or Sept.).
My daughter needed to have her immunization shots and a full physical before entering a child into Kindergarten as it's a requirement to enter into elementary school, by law with the State of California. (mandatory)
I thought she'd end up crying or wincing but nope...she was such a brave little soul and weathered the pain very well. She even watched the nurse stick all 3 needles too I might add; something which I could never do as a mother for myself whenever I'd give blood if I'm sick or something. Yes, she's a LOT braver than I am when it comes to shots. lol :P (I tend to 'look away' when a nurse injects my arm w/a needle) I can never watch those things. Maybe that's why I'm not a nurse or doctor...hahahaha~ I can't stand the sight of blood with surgery. (yuck) If it's a cut or needles or something, I'm fine with that. But with surgery of any kind, omg...put me in another room, thank you. -_-
Then, this morning (Wed., May 7), she had her first dental appointment near where we live. Filled out all the paperwork that needed to be done at the office and sat in the waiting room for the nurse assistant to call her name. While waiting, filled out a comment thing for their comment box. That's a good thing they have this, then they can readily assess any positive (or suggestive) feedback on the place. =D I noticed there was a small room in back where young toddlers and older children could play. (there were even 2 video game machines!) Gosh, where was this when I went to the dentist at her age? -_- *no fair!* lolol She's so lucky. Kids are spoiled these days, I swear. (everything and every place is all geared 'kid-friendly')
Finally, the nurse called on her. She and I went into a small room in back. Waited for the doctor to come so I could discuss her record/health info. Nurse took her in back for x-rays while I spoke w/her dentist. After we talked for a bit, he took me in back to see the rest of the place where they all work. Wow! Such a large dental practice, and with a very, large flat-screen TV too on the wall for the children to watch!!!! O.O I was like, "Waiiit a minute. I go to a very expensive, top-notch, 'Best of San Diego for leading cosmetic dentistry' practice for grown-ups and even my place doesn't have a large, flat-screen TV. -_- *NO FAIR* lolol Even though the dentist I go to has tv's in every corner space (with earphones) for patients to watch while getting their teeth done/cleaned, still. There's no large, flat-screen TV. Lucky! ^_^ Well, at least ours has digital cable so I can watch anything, including movies.
As I walked behind to where the patients (children) were getting their teeth done, I saw my daughter getting her x-rays done. She seemed to be sitting very still in the dentist chair, so that's good. =D I tried prepping her for this day all week so she'd know what to expect. She also has a Dora the Explorer book about going to the dentist. I guess all the hw paid off. lolol (so-to-speak)
Nurse came to the waiting room and called on me and I sat in a little room again in back. She told me she did very well and was a 'pro'. They had no problems with her. I was so relieved to hear that, as I was worried wondering whether she'd stay still or not, cry, or what. Thank goodness, I always end up worrying for nothing. (like I said, I'm always a worry-wart of a mother) lolol :P Doc also said I need to book her appointments every 6 mos. for regular check-ups and the like. They'll send me a reminder-notice in the mail for her next appt. No cavities and she has a healthy set of teeth and gums. *yaaaay* ^_^
Well, to sum up everything too, both paperwork for both places had been filled out to give back to the Kindergarten school she'll be attending. Hopefully, this will be enough and she'll be all ready and good to go. I think about the only thing she needs to do again is get her eyes checked 'again' (2nd time; dunno why) from the doctor's office. I hope they don't see that she'll need to have glasses or something. She had to read a poster w/letters and numbers (lge & sml) while covering one eye w/a plastic spoon-like-thing. She read out some numbers/letters for the nurse but, when she got down to the really, small letters/numbers, she couldn't make out what they were. (and even I could see them clearly standing from where she was) I wasn't sure whether if she really didn't see them...or she needs to have glasses or something. (hope not) Oh well...
Then...on Tues., after her shots, I took her to the local, nearby mall for some lunch at the food court. Ordered my daughter some Italian food (spaghetti) as she wanted to eat that. Reminded me of Takki's pasta cute! She ended up getting all the marinara sauce all over her chin area. Looked like a pasta-gotee. lolol :P I ordered myself some good Chinese food where they cook on a large Wok stove in front of you while you wait for your food. Ate noodles w/tofu & veggies with their special Ghenghis soy sauce...mmmmm! It was delicious!
After we ate lunch, we went into a children's store for some 'ideas' on summer clothes for her. Didn't buy anything yet as I've decided to wait. I wanted to hit the Victoria's Secret store instead.

Omgosh, I first went to VS and bought myself two, cute, cotton summer dresses to lounge around the house in. One of them is cutesy (kinda sexy) and has hearts all over it. The other one is dark pink in color with stars at the very bottom of the hemline and reminds me of something you'd wear when you're pregnant. lol *covers mouth* Sorry...but, it is very roomy, has pockets on both sides, and it's flowing in front. But, both of them are very comfortable to wear though. They're not 'revealing', sexy or anything of the sort. (that's saved for my special drawer in our bedroom where I keep those types of baby doll stuff and thong panties...^_~) I just wanted some comfortable lounge-wear to wear around the house for the summer. I can tell this will be one, hot summer again... -_- (gotta 'beat the heat' somehow)

With my purchase, I got to pick some cute, pink flip-flops for free. They said w/any 'Pink' line purchase, you get to choose one pair of flip-flops for free. Pretty cool, huh? I saw more styles I wanted to get but, I'm gonna wait until my mother-in-law sends me some Mother's Day money in the mail. (didn't get it yet; both my mother & she always sends me money for MD)
Then, took her to ride the carousel. There's a large carousel in the middle of the mall and she always loves riding on it. She likes going upstairs to the top. lol

After a bit of riding (and getting myself dizzy at, we went to one last store for denim shorts for myself. Bought a really nice one this time with a design on the back pockets and it's a darker denim color, which I prefer. It's so comfortable too so, it's good. It's also not one of those short-shorts either...eewww. Don't like those as 1) I don't match, 2) you can see my cellulite in back of my legs, and 3) too short-short reminds me of those sluts at the beach. >x<>
Anyway, I want to later on buy myself a lighter denim color of the same design shorts too from the same store. I'll just have to wait.
Now, one last thing. I have a 'pending' skinny jeans from the same place...yikes! It'll cost me a freakin' $69.99 bucks (USD) for it of all things. *falls down* But, hey...I deserve to get myself some nice clothes though as I hadn't updated my summer wardrobe since, what...last summer. lolol (maybe 2 summers ago, don't remember) -_- But, I put the jeans on 'layaway' with them. They said I can also pay off the entire thing in one lum sum if I wanted later on; whichever is easy for me. It's a dark denim and it's a simple one. It fit me perfect and I've noticed that since I'm very short in height, wearing skinny jeans with heels makes me 'look' taller. Oh...and the store also does alterations for free if you purchase from them. Pretty cool huh? (no need to bring in the reciept either)
Well, just thought I'd share in what I bought myself the other day as I finally needed to buy 'other' stuff other than T&T stuff. lol
Oh! Speaking of which, I pre-ordered myself T&T's upcoming 3 cds from cdjapan. God, it hurt my wallet but, when you think about it, it's not becuz I've got from now until June to try to catch up, 'money-wise'. lol :P And since cdjapan won't charge my card yet, I've still got some time to deposit money into my bank acct. lolol (well, maybe that Mother's Day money...hmmmm~) ^_^
Sorry this entry was 'boring' for y'all but, this was my 1st entry on here w/out any Takki or T&T pics. lol Wellllll...mayyyybe just lol (couldn't resist)

(Isn't this pic cute like Takki's saying, "Oiiii...get ur own pasta!")
And gosh, already Takki's new bangumi is on Epi 4 and I still have yet to d/l Epi 1. -_- And as for the new WU 0806 scans...omg~ (see Mich's site)
Ohh...and btw, wanna make a shout-out to all the girls that have left me msgs on my cbox (i.e. Stephichan, Miron, sannah, Rasha, loonykat, Simone, mabo, qwe, Sara, Emilie, moni_chan, and many others. Don't think I never read them or noticed. I did. Just hadn't had the chance to respond back on there so wanted to say it on here instead, "Thanks for all your msgs and for dropping by!"