Aaaaaaaaahh! *cries* I dunno what happened but, for some reason when I looked at my memory stick, it didn't save Takki's 1st & 3rd pics right, like the 1st page is blanked out and the 3rd page was saved as Tsubasa and it had his pic instead of where Takki's was supposed to be. I know it sounds chotto confusing but, let's just say I screwed up the scanning process on Takki's shoot. (gomenasai) Sooooo...back to the drawing board for now. Will post the other pages to Takki's later. For now, enjoy this pic. *melts* This one's my favorite anyways. :)
You know what? Since my scans on Takki's screwed up (even the 2nd pic I had on here) I had to delete it because for some reason, when I scanned them in, on the 2nd pic, his nose was chotto 'red'-looking. -_- I dunno...maybe because I kissed his pic once and then found his nose turned red on the page. :P (well, I did kiss it; please don't think I'm weird?) So, grabbed them off someone else's blog...gomen~ *bows*
(Here's a little article from the Potato issue on Takki's new Special Project with the new grp he's working with. Sorry it scanned in kinda grainy but, tried my best. Doesn't Takki look kakkoii wearing that long jacket?? *.* Kinda makes him look taller, actually. ^_^)
And need I say more about Tsubasa’s photoshoot? *melts*faints* He finally shaved off the hinge (mustache) he had. *whew* For awhile there, he was starting to look ‘latinoish'. lol :P With his new, clean-cut look without the hinge, he looks so handsomely kakkoii again. ^_^

This months’ issue (Potato – 2008.01), I must say, was one of T&T’s best photoshoots this year. The title to both of their shoots is called ‘White’. (title matches with winter right now) And both of theirs never looked so handsome with flowing feathers falling around them, wearing winter-white clothing. *melts* Now I really wanna ask someone to make me a couple wallies with Takki’s pics from this shoot…kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~!! Maybe even a new banner, perhaps. :P We’ll see…we’ll see…
Oh! And you know what too? I’m going back to Sanseido bookstore tomorrow (Mon.) and buy myself another Potato issue because I’m in love with Takki’s shoot so much. Can’t resist…had to go back and buy another one. lolol :P This second mag, I’m gonna cut his pages out and use them to scan them in. I’m gonna also see about posting them up on my wall next to my bed when my hubby’s at work (and daughter’s in school). lol When I’m home alone, at least I can have *him* to stare at ne? *chuu chuu*
I also wanna see about making myself 31/2 x 5 photos of the pages. That way, I can put them in my T&T photo album (it contains majority of my Jshop official photos) I’m bringing along with me when I go home to Hawaii for New Year’s. I’m gonna see about putting it in my purse. Then, I can stare and oogle at Takki’s pics when I’m on the plane. :P ^_~
I’m bringing along my album because I’m gonna try meeting up with a couple fangirls I met on facebook. They live in Hawaii (island of Oahu) and are born n’raised there like me. Well, only one of them is a Takki-fan. The other one is a JE fan. lol
I know, I know…even though she’s a JE fan, in actuality, I’ve lost touch with her when I first met her long ago on the website. Then one day when I started chatting on msnchat one night at Kinko’s, I finally met up with her again. Just by chance we started chatting and soon I began to ask her questions. Before I knew it, I was all ‘Hey…didn’t we meet each other before? You sound sooo familiar to me, like I’ve met you before elsewhere online.’ She said the same thing and then BOOM, we were the lost-fangirl friends we knew back on! Back on that site, we used to message each other and then when summer hit, it was like we lost touch with one another. Then, somehow, I added her hotmail email address on my chat list. That night, I guess fate must’ve heard me because out of all the people in the world, it was like someone was looking out after us and brought her to me again. I told her I never wanna lose her friendship this time and that we should keep in touch. She felt the same. It was like we were ‘kissmet’ or something. (not in those exact terms but, you catch my drift…lol) It was so surreal to finally meet once again (online, of coz). Now, hopefully, I’ll get the chance to finally meet her in person. ^_^
The other fangal of mine who’s a Takki-fan, I can’t WAIT to meet too! We’re going shopping and have lunch at one of the popular malls there. (it’s only 1 out of the 3 large malls on Oahu) I told her at first I’ll treat but then she felt funny so we ended up planning on going ‘dutch’ instead. I think it’s a wise choice since we’ve never met each other before. lol She wanted to see my T&T photo album and stuff so, that’s why I’m bringing it. Plus, I have a small gift to give her, which was making her a couple dvd-roms with Takki doramas, pics, vid clips n’stuff on it as well as a little something small from Victoria’s Secret. We don’t have that store in Hawaii either, so I think it’ll be a nice treat for her. Omg, and I can FINALLY *kyaaaaaaaaaaaa* with someone in person too about Takki for once! lol :P Oh geez, I can only imagine seeing all the tourists walking by looking at us ‘weird’ going what da heck is wrong with them while we kyaaaaaaaa together about Takki. lolol :P So funny.
Whoops, back to the WU issue…gomen~ *bows*…
Then, I’ve scanned in the 2008.01 WU issue. Didn’t buy Duet because it was ‘ok’-looking; nothing much with that shoot. Since I only had a limited amount of money this month to spare, I had to make a choice as to which ones to buy. So, I ended up buying Potato & WU. I figured I could always d/l from boys_paper or Nere’s gallery the 2008.01 Duet issue. Of course, Takki looked kakkoii as usual, but he was shown wearing a parka-type puffy jacket with a dark, hunter-green colored cargo pants w/lots of pockets to the side and boots. Wellll…it wasn’t his ‘best’ shoot, but, I guess he still does look handsome. ^_^
Now, this 2008.01 WU shoot was kinda kakoii-looking too in it’s own way. It looked like Takki was inside a church of some kind. lol Candles, a Catholic-type ‘Virgin Mary figure’, and a cross. But, they’re shown very small pics down at the bottom. Where Takki was sitting (on a leather bench with white-colored walls), there was nothing showing he was inside a church or anything. I guess maybe they wanted to portray the ‘mood’ or ‘feel’ to it matching the title of the interview, which was ‘The First When Mind Is Calm’. I’m not sure what the interview talks about, but I’d surely like to know. Maybe it talks a little about his new project with the Jr. group he’s forming; I don’t know. I’m only guessing. He’s shown wearing an off-white colored cable, long-sleeve sweater with a large turtle neck style and dark jeans and boots.
And his hair again…omg! *melts* There’s one pic I felt looked really nice and showed off his cut and color well. (2nd pic) The last pic he’s sitting down on a leather couch with one leg up and one arm to the side. *kyaaaaaa*
Whoops, I forgot to mention that I found an article in this WU issue on Takki's new Special Project. There was one full page on it...yaaaaaaay! Now if only I knew just what it And look at Takki bending down to look at whatever the Jr. is sharing with him. (bottom rt pic) Pretty cool they're shown practicing the dance moves. I like the group pic above too. Like I told mabo, I'm not a fan of any JE grps or any Jr. whatsoever, but I think I'm probably gonna pay special attention to this particular grp in particular, knowing that I know Takki's behind the whole thing. *wink* ^_~
I found a page on Takki's new SP NHK dorama to air in Jan. from this issue as well. It's one full page too on it with a few pics I hadn't seen before.
(Omgosh, look at Yukichan 'kabuki-style' in bottom rt pic with his hair down. O_O Kireii ne? And look at him in the stripped kimono with his chest chotto showing. Can see something 'white' too...hehe~ Must be part of the wardrobing. And Yuki on the top lft pic 'onnagatta-style'...kyaaaaaa~ Can't WAIT for this dorama to air already. Want to see 2 Takki characters act together! *squeeeee*)
Gee, I wonder whether I'll be able to actually watch this the same time it airs in Japan when I'm on vacation in Hawaii the latter portion of this month? Since my family and I will be visiting friends and family for New Year's in Hawaii from Dec.28 to Jan.12, 2008, I might be able to see this via Kiku-TV. (Hawaii's Japanese broadcast station) Hope so or I'll be mighty angry if I'm unable to. -_- *crosses fingers* But then again, I know that my father has paid-channels on digital cable so, I might be in luck since he might have NHK. (have to *hollers over to dad: "Yo,'ve got NHK o wat?" LOL)
And, my father also has a vhs/dvd recorder hooked up to his TV so, I can not only watch this dorama but record it onto dvd disc too at the same time while watching, if it works. lol When you put together my father and hooking up any type of electronic equipment...good luck. lol :P *crosses fingers it works*
Sorry...back to the WU issue... (see how I get sidetracked? lol)
Tsubasa’s shoot to this WU issue I really liked too. He’s wearing a black suit jacket, plaid-shirt tucked in dark-colored jeans and boots against a red-colored background. I love it whenever Tsu wears black suit jackets. They make him look really masculine and handsome-looking! *melts* The black jacket shows off his black colored hair and cut too. Now I feel the two of them match as a duo again with shorter hair styles.
I hope to goodness this Xmas Kuricon pamphlet photoshoot will look super great, just like the Damecon-Yokohama one. *prays*crosses fingers* With both of their new hairstyles, it should look mighty kakkoii as usual. ^_^
So, here are the scans…hope you all like. And don’t forget to tell me what you think. ^_~ Enjoy~XDDD ♥♥♥♥