Tuesday, July 1, 2008,
**T&T wallies of Rasha's...other T&T-related stuff...and upcoming new entries w/Kpop grps**Been meaning to post some cute wallies of a close fangirl friend of mine but hadn't had the chance. They're so cute of Takki and Tsubasa. And, she made some cute drawings of some scans of them. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to post them here so, thought I'd share them with you all. *kawaiiii* (lovin' the Takki one best...hehe~ sorry I'm biased) ^_~
(kawaiiiiii Takki - Koi Uta offshot Jshop and drawing Rasha did!)
(loooook at this kawaii-drawing of Rasha's...hontoni looks like Takki too ne~ *melts* And loved the way she made 'wings' on him. *aawww* Yesss, he IS my angel...)
(Tsubasa drawing and offshot Jshop pic; kawaiiii)
(T&T drawing of both Takki & Tsubasa; can't get over how cute they really look, drawn like this)*credits: all drawings & scans of Jshop pics are of Rasha @:*http://rasha-tsubalover.blogspot.com/========Sorry I hadn't posted anything lately 'new' on here. *bad Takki/T&T fan* (whacks self) Hadn't had much time these days. Ever since summer came into full swing, I was so wrapped up and busy with my family, doing stuff with them, and finding 'something new' with Kpop music now.Gonna take the time right now in sharing a little bit of what I've found in the last few weeks with Kpop music.All this time, I was never interested in Kpop, much less have anything to do with it, or even Korean dramas. Same way I felt when I first started with Japan dramas and Jpop, now goes for Kpop too. lol (minus the kyaaaaaaing...lolol) I just happen to 'like' and appreciate their music A LOT, but I'm not much of a fan or anything of the sort. Well, I KNOW I'm no fan of the guys in particular. I just think they're *hot* and cute~!!
Lately, I've taken in a new interest with Kpop. Some grps (or guys) I've become interested in grabbing loads of vid clips, mp3 songs, and picspams of are:
**Taeyang** (from Big-Bang)

(what a *hottie* here! O.O)
(love this cute pic of him wearin' that hat & suit)
(the grp, Big-Bang; Taeyang's in the middle w/his *peace sign*. I know he's chotto short but hey, if I ever met him in person, that's perfect. I'm short too so...hehe~ But, Takki's kinda sorta short too ya know. *more for ME*)Btw, Taeyang's voice is hontoni sexy and sweet-sounding. Omg, he's got such talent, at such a young age. I'm figuring this guy's probably only in his 20s or something. (younger than Takki, perhaps) Aya~ *whacks self* -_- *looks at Takki pics* I love the hip-hop music he does as well as dances HELLA COOL. (dang) Tae's music reminds me somewhat like how Backstreet Boyz used to sound like when they were 'young', back-in-the-day. lololYou should see his music vids:"Look At Me - MV" (youtube clip)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7u0ClsGDdkQ"Make Love' - MV" (youtube clip)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NE8ls5YXdU(This video clip, you've GOT to see, even though there's no video per se. It's Engl. vers. (words) to the song along w/the music but, omg... 1) the lyrics are what I fell in love with because I immedately thought of Takki. It's the way I totally feel about him, esp. in the chorus part. *dies*, and 2) I had to know more of this guy's music. While watching this song, I literally 'almost' cried, thinking of Takki so much.)Another grp (or guy) I've come to find with an awesome voice (literally too) and great music...is Se7en. 1) He's kinda handsome in a way, and 2) his voice...WHOA~ He can siiiing! (and at least he looks a heck-of-a-lot older, like near my age...lol) Here are some pics of him I'd like to share. His music and style of singing totally reminds me of JT...Justin Timberlake, only...Korean-style. ^_~ *wink*
He's sure got a lot of charisma, style, awesome hip-hop dancing!, is great with the fans, and knows how to work a crowd in concerts, no matter whether in Japan, or wherever. And, he's ALWAYS smiling. *so cute* I like that about a singer. He seems like a really nice guy. (sorry I said that b4 didn't I...lol) Well, he does...

*hot* pics of sexy-Se7en*

(one of the Se7en cd covers; aawww, he looks so relaxed and beautiful here...)
But, if you're ever wondering how he sounds, here are some of Se7en's videos off youtube: (btw, you pronounce 'Se7en' as the word, seven)
"Passion" - MV (w/Engl. subs)
(not bad vid clip...hip-hop sounding. Seems rather 'old' cuz he doesn't look like this now. lol)
"Crazy" - MV (w/Engl. subs)
(If you like hip-hop/rap, here's a vid for u. TOTALLY COOL~)
"Hikari" - MV
(He sings in Japanese! SUGOII~ not bad...not bad at all...)
"All Night" - MV
(cute music vid btw...loved the middle and ending part when he grabs the girl in the sexy, red dress and dances sexily with her on the dance floor, and then later, brings her into his limo and drives away w/him...*Reiko thinks of Takki as Se7en and I'm that girl*)
"All Night" - Live
(the beginning of this vid clip, I swear he sounds so sweet. He sounds like a really nice guy.)
"All Night" - Japan (live)
(this clip wasn't that hot as the one above; so-so ranking. In fact, I was chotto bored watchin' this one. *gomen* But hey. He did go to Japan for a concert.)
An interview from LA...a live interview with Se7en. It's in HQ btw...enjoy~ (he sounds so sweeet! Sorry, most of it in this, he speaks Korean but, if you wait n'stay a bit longer, you'll see him speak fluent English (hardly any accent either...sugoii~!!) @_@ *falls down*
There's one more Kpop grp but, I'm gonna mention about them in the next entry right after this one. This grp will take forever to talk about, and I've lots of pics of them too to share. (promised some Tohoshinki fans I'd use their scans...and with permission) *thanks, Shar!*
Well, thought I'd just 'share' my newfound interest lately with Kpop grps n'guyz and hope you all enjoy. Even if you're not a Kpop fan or don't like Kpop music at all, it's fine too because I just wanted to get the word out on my site for these lovely guys (and grps).
throws: *kissu...peace sign*
Hey, dun worry everyone...I'm STILL lovin' T&T and ESPECIALLY Takki. He's MAH #1 MAN deshou~ Never forgotten him, nor have left the T&T fandom at all. I'm still here and forever will be here to stay w/T&T...
and Takki...my love...
2:33 PM