So, if you haven't heard from me in a long while, you'll be seeing a lot more of this from now on. I've decided to not make this blog my constant thing every week, like a weekly thing, but rather, every two-week-thing with me. I'll TRY to keep it up but, it's been quite hard lately too these days.
Some of my reasons why I haven't been online, back in August was my daughter's 1st bday party. We had it held outside and boy did I sure learn my lesson BIG TIME. It just so happened that for THAT particular day, it was over 100degree weather...yikes! Yeah. We were drenched in sweat, our clothes all soggy & wet like we ran in the rain or something. It was THAT bad. Poor thing too because of the children that came. And poor Caitlyn had to put up with that scorching heat. We had loads of bottled water and juice boxes for the kids but it just wasn't enough. I was afraid even her cake would've turned soggy on her. lol
She had a Disney Princess cake (a small one) as there were only two families that ended up showing up. This year, I think I also made a mistake in sending the invites too late because more than half the guests couldn't make it either. But it actually turned out quite nice and frankly, my hubby liked it that way anyway. He's not much of a 'party'-kinda guy so, he hates going to large parties. (so do I) He likes it when it's a small gathering.
Anyway, we all had fun in the end and it turned out alright. =)
Then, on top of my mother visiting, my daughter later caught a bad cold. She was out of school for several days as a result because she finally moved to the 4yr. old class. So, if you think about it, again...I had to put up with her catching more germs n'such because when she moved from the 3yr. class to the 4yr. class, after getting used-to the 3yr. cl., when you switch over a new environment, new surroundings, new students, new everything, she has to get used-to again with everything, including building her immunity to things. I kept thinking in my mind when will all these colds ever stop, you know? Just when she finishes one cold, she starts up another, one after the other. Poor thing. It's something I never wish upon any child, seeing them suffer like that. Good thing we could keep it under control and not have to take her to the doctor's this time around. I called our advice nurse over the phone and they were able to give us instructions as to what to do at home. (over-the-counter medication)
After that incident ended, we also was in the market to FINALLY make a purchase of a brand, new car for myself. *whooohoooo!* Ohhhh yeahhh baby!!!! Now, it's not a Mercedes or BMW or anything of the sort, but's a BRAND NEW CAR.

*Toyota Corolla S (sport) model shown*
(color I purchased was gray metallic like this color but the 'look' of it is like the one below)
We ended up with a 2008 Toyota Corolla LE 4dr. gray metallic color. It's fully-loaded with power everything (power windows, steering, etc.), ABS brakes & traction control, cruise control, 6-disc in-dash cd changer, mp3 equipped for ipods, and wood-grain trim on the doors, dash, and throttle area. Niiice and I always love the smell of a new car. lol

(light-colored interior shown; mine is gray in color to match the outside)
I traded in my 4dr. Saturn SC (an old 1997 model) with my hubby's large downpayment, and ended up with a niiice monthly price we could live with. He put such a huge down that we only get to pay up the car within 3 years. That's good, actually. And with the help of our excellent credit (with the lowest rate possible with our credit union; credit unions are better than banks) our rate w/the credit union beat out the dealership's rate. So, we didn't have to do all that dealing with the monthly payments w/the guy n'stuff. The sales associate had such an easy sell; he sure was lucky. By the time we went to the dealership, we did our homework by already test-driving and sitting in it. So, when we went to this guy, all we had to do was pick out what color & make and that was it, nothin' to it. We also had installed a security alarm (since where I live Toyotas, Hondas and Saturns are the most stollen cars in the state) as well as LoJack.
LoJack is another form of security for your car and it's a certain coding device maintenance technitians put somewhere in the engine so if a thief were to steal the car and take it to Mexico (the border) or Canada, cops will have an easy chance in finding it. It's best not to have the manual lying around in the car nor have any evidence showing a thief you have a device. The minimal of information the better. I think it was the one of the best things we ever did for any car we owned. This device wasn't available back then but then again, I think we couldn't afford it too to begin with long ago. (it ranges anywhere btwn $7-800.00 to $1,000.00) Ouch! It's quite expensive but well worth it, especially if you live in California where we're (as they say) 'car-happy' around here. lol :P
And now, both of us are sick (as we speak). -_- When it rains, it pours I swear. This has been one of the most ugliest colds I had in a loooong time and it landed me flat on my back for several days straight. On Monday & Tuesday, I couldn't take my daughter to school because I was so sick. They're really understanding about that sort-of thing so I was grateful. And since in Preschool, there's no homework for them so, it's alright. The director of the school even heard my voice over the phone and knew I was really sick. I'm managing alright so at least I'm now able to cook. lol For awhile, all we ate was miso soup, rice w/tamago (egg) and little salt, and cheap saimin all day & night. Never felt like going out at all to even order ourselves food from a rest. somewhere to-go. Only yesterday I was able to make Tonkatsu ramen. *goodgrief* And, today (Wed.) I was finally able to take my daughter to Preschool. =)
Again, sorry this time around my posting wasn't much of T&T or Takki but, I'll try sometime this week to get in my late, late dedication to T&T's 5th Anniversary. Now, I know there's SOME people out there who feel I'm late (gomen...j/k j/k) and you know what? So what. As long as I put 'something' in here for them, that's all that matters, you know? It's not about trying to make it on time or whatever. But it's the thought that counts is what matters most. To me, it's NEVER too late to make a dedication entry. =)
So, even if I have to do this right now's my 'shout out' to T&T: