Monday, March 10, 2008,

**Enbujo 2008 Presscon & other 'Enbujo related' stuff**
Here's a couple of screenies I meant to post earlier but didn't have time for. Thanks, Mich, for letting me post here on my blog. XDD (and future ones from here on out) Sorry these are late but, better late than never right? -_- They're from the Mezamashi & Zoomin Enbujo Presscon interview vid clips. If you haven't seen the vid clips yet, what r u waiting for? Go grab them either a) at the forum @ , or b) on Mich's site Reason why I'm using Michelle's is because for the life of me, I couldn't figure out why mine was so 'dull' or slightly blurr-looking compared to hers. I asked if she was using Photoshop to retouch them and turned out, she was. lol :P I thot so it looked so much cleaner, sharper & a lot more clear compared to the vid clip itself when using the VLC to make screencaptures. (I use the VLC to make screenies) But because a lot of times the vid clips don't come in so clear, I never thought of retouching them up. lol :P (well, and maybe I'm just too 'lazy' too to do them
Now I'll really have to 'play' on the univ. library Mac comps. lol All of the comps have the new version of Adobe Photoshop installed (CS2) and anyone can use the computers for free. (incl. non-students) ^_^ *wheeeeeee* Just don't ask me to make any icons or wallies. -_- lol I don't even know how to make a simple watermark tag for my mags and then. *pfffffft*
Oh! I can't forgot these too.
A week or so ago, two of my favorite fangirls personally made for me Enbujo wallies. Now, the first one was done by Miron. *HUGS to her* I gave her a bunch of screenies I made from the Enbujo 2006 dvd itself (I have the copy at home) so, gave'em to her to make some stuff of the 'Serenade Enbujo' portion for me. I LOVE this one to death...*DIES* @_@ Gawd, heart still pounds ever so lovingly and fast every time I stare at it. Now, she told me there's MORE to this...but, have to be patient...sorry. -_- She didn't finish them yet so, I can't WAIT to see what else wallies she'll be making w/the rest of the screenies I gave her. lol
Now, the last wallie (of coz, not the least) is an Enbujo wallie Rasha made. It's really nice too!!!! *kyaaaaaaaa* They're photos she used from Enbujo 2006 as she said she didn't have the 2007 photos b4. But, it's super-nice nonetheless too! *squeeeeee*

(Miron's wallie - Enbujo Serenade; original screenies from Reiko's Enbujo dvd)
(Rasha's Enbujo wallie; Enbujo '06 pamphlet photos)
Anyways, you all enjoy~XDD (and tell me what you think of the wallies!)
12:37 AM