Hey everyone...sorry I won't be able to come online for the rest of the week. We'll be heading for rain and flooding the next several days 'til the weekend comes so, I won't be heading out and I'll be staying indoors. -_- And my daughter has a slight cold again but she's been going to school which is a good thing. No fevers or anything major of the sort; just constant coughing in the night and early morng hours.
Btw, sorry I hadn't posted up anything 'new' lately on here either in regards to mag scans. I was quite lazy for months in my scanning so, gomenasai. *bows So, for all the times I was supposed to...below are the new Myojo 0901 mag scans of T&T.
Takki looks 'fresh' here and I love it whenever he takes on-location photoshoots in a forest. *sigh* So relaxing to see him 'think some thoughts'. ^_^ The 2 & 3rd scans are so cuuute~ (esp. love the 2nd one best *thumbs up*)
Too bad Tsu looks good in the 2nd scan in the kitchen. lol He looks 'homely' where he's at. He sure is looking older every day ever since he's turned 27. So matured-looking now. (chotto ojiichan-sempai now ne? j/k) I still dun care for his 'Bohemian' look with the blondish part to the backside of his hair, but he does look handsome with a mustache and go-tee. -_- Takki better not get himself a go-tee and mustache soon. *eeww*
**MYOJO 0901 - Tackey & Tsubasa scans**
I've also posted some NEWS scans too because I am totally liking Tegoshi lately...hehe~ (after listening constantly to NEWS' new 'Color' album with YamaP's solo Engl. song 'Mola' @_@) I thought he was cute before but, I never thought anything of any JE grp at all...until NEWS came along with this new album of theirs, which swept me away completely by surprise. lol :P (arigatou, Mi-chan for introducing them to me! Sorry I ignored all your signs about them this whole time.)
**MYOJO 0901 - NEWS**
(only Tegoshi and Pi scans and 2 pgs of grp)
(cute huh? Love their varying facial expressions...lol I actually happen to think Koyama, Tegoshi, and Masuda is *hot*...but mainly Tegoshi. ^_~)
(*melts* O.O Tegoshiiiiii!!!! He has such a sexy way about him, I dunno why. And since he seems rather tall, he looks good in clothes, esp. with boots and a long jkt.)
(Here, Mi-chan...jus for you. YamaP here looks so cute. He looks like he's going on a trip somewhere. *wonders 'where' to lol)
(look how *sweet* he looks here w/that ^_~ wink of his...kawaii)
Also, just wanted to say that I've scanned in something from Kindai mag 0812 too since I didn't see these scans on the forum. It's Tono w/ABC-Z & Kiss-My-FT2 at their first concert. Sorry I only found a couple of scans with him. I think I had a diff. mag where I found several pics of Tono w/them at the concert but I didn't scan in this one. Hope you all like...
**KINDAI 0812 - Tackey w/ABC-Z & Kiss-My-FT2 First Con**
(Tono w/glasses...kawaiiiii~!!!! @_@)

(Tsu's WWP '08 con scans)
And, last but not least, this month is my 3rd anniversary in loving T&T as a unit and loving Takki. Same time back in '05 I had known all about Takki only because of watching the NHK taiga, Yoshitsune through my father. Gosh, how time flies ne. *sigh* Such memories in being a part of the fandom now. It's been only 3 yrs. for me, and already I'm considered 'old' or a 'veteran' of it. Not really when you think about it. I've known some who's been a fan of T&T for over 10 yrs. now. (you know who you are...Snuffles-chan, etc? ^_^
But anyways, I'd like to take this opportunity to say 'arigatou gozaimashita' SO MUCH for letting me get to know you all in the JE and T&T fandoms. (that includes you gals from facebook: Marisa, Trish, Emily N., Cecilia (MAH GIRL in JE) Omgosh, all my fangirlz in Hawaii too. (Jaelyn, Linda, and Marisa) Arigatouuu so much for the fangirls who've helped get me con goods. ^_^ I'd love to get to know you all better too. You seriously have no idea how thankful I am to have known and met you.
Last but NOT least, special thanks out to my closest fangirls whom I've gotten to know through the years. You're all like the sisters I've never had...my 'LA FAMILIA'. (you know who you are) You've been there through thick n'thin with me, listened to my winings, fates, probs, even been there through my ups n'downs, whether it's with my 'real-life' family or fandom probs. lol I love all you guyz to death...and I'll NEVER leave your side no matter come what may...now...and in the future.
I also can't leave out the 'newbies' too I've come to know well. (i.e. Yuki, natsu, etc.) Thank you for letting me in your lives and get to know you like a 'sis' to me. ^_^
When I think back how far I've come into this fandom, there were times when I really felt like quitting at one point. I wondered whether staying in it was all worth it. But then I thought of T&T and Takki. I also couldn't forget Takki...the one Man in my life whom I've grown to love and appreciate so well, and for what he's done in JE and with his acting career. I knew that T&T would never want fans to drop or forget them all because of some silly situation battling amongst ourselves with the pettiest of things. (though back then it didn't seem all petty either -_-) We just have to ask ourselves to 'hang in there' and though it may seem like an uphill climb being involved in the fandom, let's *gambatte* ne? We should do it for T&T!!!!
Anyway, enjoy my collage-wallies of Tono. ^_^ (used MS Paint) I loved making them as much as I loved *gawking* at every, single pic I chose. lol Tell me what you all think.
*plez credit me if using elsewhere and DO NOT take off tags from them*
*Reiko's collage-wallie 2*
(my favorite one out of the two)
*Reiko's collage-wallie 1*
5:43 PM