
Thursday, September 25, 2008,

**Reiko's Jshop pics...**

Hi, sorry to take awhile in posting again, esp. since I promised here my 'new' Jshops. Enough's some of my stash I received. Now, remember...DO NOT take tags off these pics, whatever you do and DO NOT REPOST ELSEWHERE. If I see them elsewhere w/the tags off them, I will no longer be posting Jshops no more except 'sample' pics only from my camera. It's just, friends of mine have gone to great lenths in getting these for me and especially the J-web ones.

*Takki-Jweb photoset*

I'll have to ask you kindly to email me personally (or psmg me on the forum) if you'd like the J-web ones. It's a thought that came to me, just because the J-web pics are 'rarer' to find unless you belong to the FC club. I bought the set from someone on LJ. Plez msg me on my cbox for my email addy if you don't have it already.

Also, I won't be posting the actual Koi Uta offshot Jshops here as they've been seen elsewhere on the Net by lots of other blogs. I've the same exact ones like everyone else. But, if you'd like mine because of the clarity & sharpness with these, then here's the zipfile for it:

*Koi Uta offshot Jshops*

Anyway, enjoy...and tell me what you think. (I know these are already out there on the Net in people's blogs. Sorry 4 reiterating the same thing. -_- I just wanted to share what I had received, that's all.

*T&T 'older' Jshop offshot photoset*

(don't know 'what' this pic is from...sorry)

(T&T 'older' Jshop; again, don't remember 'what' this pic was from)

Ohhh btw, so sorry I hadn't had the chance (or time) to post anything here regarding T&T's 6th anniversary, like make a 'lil something. I never realized that Sept.11 was their anniversary, as I always remember that date now being 9/11 and what happened here in the States. -_- I didn't realize T&T's anniv. debut date was 9/11 too. (mybad) *whacks self* I seriously never realized it...honest. Things with me have been so wrapped in my 'real-world' daily stuff that Sept.11 came so fast and sudden for me and I didn't have the chance to remember. And since I hadn't been up-to-date either on catching up with T&T news, even more so I'm clueless. (sorry 4 being such a bad fan) *bows* So now, even though it may be late, but...I guess it's never too late, right? I'm working on it right now so, please be patient with me in posting it soon.


12:24 PM

Wednesday, September 24, 2008,

**Reiko's Jshop pic-sets from LJ*

Hi! Gomenasai for not coming on here as much as I could in the past. I'm gonna post my Jshops I've gotten recently. I know I promised to post them here so, enjoy and tell me what you all think. Please DO NOT take tags off of them. Thankx! Credit me if using elsewhere.

One set I received is a J-web set of T&T in the '07-'08 Countdown. Another set were 'older' Jshops of T&T when they were younger. The rest are Koi Uta PV offshots you've already seen. This person that sold them to me wasn't selling the Koi Uta ones online. But, since she knew people who were going to Japan on a monthly basis, she was able to get in contact w/someone to get the Koi Uta ones for me.

My next set of pics is to hopefully get the new Takki CM offshot Jshops, the one of him that looks like 'mattador-Takki' from his new CM. (or, Zorro-Takki) lol

(pic taken from official site

It's got 3 wallpapers as well as other goodies and the 30sec. CM. Visit their website if you haven't already, and tell me what you think. Doesn't he make for a kakkoii-looking 'mattador' least a sexy-looking 'zorro' or, something. lol But, if he's supposed to be a 'knight', he's even sexi-ER. ^_~ (esp. on a white horse @_@) *kyaaa!!* Those sure are tight pants though...hehe~ :P

The blk hat reminds me of 'Blk Butterfly'. (just minus the cape and gloves) Love Takki's half-gloves instead that he uses for concerts.

Actually, my friend told me he should wear that for Halloween too. lol *so cute* Yeah, he should. See? He's got his costume already. Now if only I can pick up mine from the Party City, it'll match somewhat what I'm wearing this year. I wanna be 'Batgirl' for Halloween. ^_^ It's perfect and I tried it on already. All I need is to do now is add my blk knee-high boots, and it's done. But first, I need to buy it. lol :P And mine has a mask though...unlike Takki's pose here. He's got no mask like Zorro. But then again, I remember this costume is like the 'zorro' from the past. Oh it's ok. I think my costume and Takki's would kinda-sorta match. It's just that, his is red and mine has yellow in it. lolol But, both costumes ARE black. :P

Nyway, here's what I wanna dress up as. (don't laugh) My boots don't come that high up on the leg. I don't match boots that look like that. Plus, my hubby will think I'm a 'slut' if I wear one like that. lol But, mine are just under the knee. It's good enough. Now if only I could learn to 'pose' like that...hahaha

Tell me what you all think. I'll be back here later with all the Jshops and post them individually (incl. the J-web ones).


11:30 AM