
Saturday, March 22, 2008,

**Reiko's Bday and other stuff...**

(Miron's custom-wallie to me...soooo kyooot the one of Takki kissing like that. lol ^_^ It's one of the older FC club pages Rasha gave me. As for that cute banner-like thing at the bottom, cuuute~ I think I'm gonna cut/paste it out and put it as my forum-banner to my profile. lolol)

Well, it's that time of year again for me. Not only was March 17 (St. Patrick's Day) my wedding anniversary, but Sunday…
March 23rd…was my birthday too. ^_^ This was the first time my bday had landed ON the day
of Easter of all things. -_- I don’t like it a little because, even though I took my daughter Easter egg hunting at a public library (on Sat.), and had her take pics w/the Easter bunny at the local mall, still. Why can’t my bday be a few days after Easter or before it?? o_o Of all the days for my bday to land, it’s on Easter Sunday. (a major holiday in America…lol) And we don’t go church! lolol One, we’re Japanese Shinto buddhists (even though we don’t practice it), and two, we’re not Christian. I mean, I used-to-be before, but that’s another story I don’t want to get into. It’s too lengthy and no need to explain. I don’t wanna to get into trouble either for opening my mouth and landing myself into a ‘lion’s den’ with people who may be religious. *ouut of respect to those who are* -_- (bows)

Anyyyyyway, I've celebrated my bday at home. *sigh* Yeah, nothing fancy, and we were not going out to celebrate either because my hubby is still sick. He’s taking antibiotics so, that’s good. (took him to the doc already) And none of my ‘outside’ friends were available to celebrate with me anyway. They’ve had
their own families to take care of w/children and spend Easter Sunday with.

You know what I was thinking of doing though? (thanks to Miron for this great idea…^_~) After chatting w/her on Fri., I took up on her idea. I was watching my Jkt A dvd, along w/some popcorn. lolol What do you think…^_^ *
kyaaaaaaa* Even though I couldn’t really kyaaaaaaaa w/anyone in person, I still did, at least to myself. lolol Of coz, what was the use in watchin’ it alone though. -_- Ohhhhhhh…but I wasn’t alone. ^_~ *yea, Rasha…wink wink* I was with MAH FINANCÉE, TAKKI to kissy-kissy, hug, feel, touch, and…nevermind. I ain’t sayin’ anymore already. Don’t wanna get *hentai*-mode here. lolol It’s for ME to know only. ^_~ Hey, well, it’s MY bday and I DO deserve to have him all to myself on my bday, day & night…forever...bwuahahahahaha~
(only Rasha knows & totally understands my Takki-story…lolol)

In a way, I kinda-sorta looked forward to my bday, but at the same time, I didn't. lol I guess because I'm a year older now, which means...I'M SO DAMN
OLD. :P LOL Yeah…TELL me about it. =_= One, I always wished I was HELLA younger again and two, whyyyyyyy do I even have to be so damn old. *cries*grrrrrrrr~* I actually wished I was in my late 20s or 30. Believe me…when you get to be my age some day, you’ll understand why. lolol Not to mention I’M TOO FREAKIN’ OLD COMPARED TO TAKKI’S AGE, MAN…
Talk about NO FAIR~ :P If there’s one wish in my life I’d like to have granted (one of them), it’s being close to Takki’s age. (of coz, older tha
n him…^_^) Now, I still get 2 more wishes, right? lolol (hee hee) But, I ain’t sayin’ anything otherwise, I’ll spoil the whole idea in making wishes to begin with. =D I know it’ll never come true anyway but, I just don’t wish to say so.

I was thinking of actually celebrating my bday on March 29th instead, which is a Saturday (lucky Takki; his falls on a weekend). And…we all know ‘WHO’S’ birthday that is, right? TAKKI’S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (yaaaaaaaaay) *throws confetti* I ain’t poppin’ open the champagne cuz it’s not his bday…YET. lolol :P

Buuuut, I will FINALLY get to celebrate my bday on the same da
y as his. *melts*sigh* I’m meeting up with some friends of mine to eat eat at the Cheesecake Factory restaurant here…mmmmmmmm~ Hey, Takki…I’ll eat some Strawberry Shortcake cheesecake birthday cake for ya…lol ^_~ (He can watch me eat…hehe~) *gives some to him*

But, it’s also not the same too as spending time with my *T&T fandom sisters* too...IF only *sigh*) Some day, I’ll meet you guys, I promise. ^_^ *hugs* And you know ‘who’ you all are too.

Now, there are ones I’
ve be-friended in the past and I don’t give a RIP about them either as far as I’m concerned. They dun like me and I dun like them, and they chose to have it this way (cuz they told me so!) so, THERE…NUF SAID.

But as for the rest of you all that’s been my closest fangirl friends ‘till the end, through thick n’thin no matter what happened with me during those hard times, I LOVE YOU ALL TO DEATH…’till death do us part. (serious) I wanna make a shout-out to: Stephichan, Rasha, Miron, Azuki, Cecilia (from facebook), Trish, Saki (from facebook), and Jaelyn for being there for me when I needed you all the most, for sticking by me like crazy, and for being in my life. And yes, even for the sisters I don’t converse with much lately: Dithers, glenda, sarah ann, skammie, Emilie N., bie04, and many others that my list will go off this :P I will try to change that this year and blog/comment on yours more often ok? I'll try to keep in touch more. XDD I'm sorry if I missed you or if it seemed like I forgot to post your name on here. *gomenasai* (bows) To the new fangals I've just met in the T&T forum: sannah, nyanco, germini, D2pink, and others...thaaanks for responding back to me and it's so nice to get to know you all. XDD *peace sign* Thank you so much for some of your works too in making me stuff. (can't thank you guys enough) *big hug* Like I sometimes say...boyfriends will always come n'go, but true friendships will always 'Stay Gold' 'till the end.

I wanna post some pics I did...well, I didn't make but, I wrote on them in relation to my bday n'all. Sorry this posting is really late...but, I was so busy chatting and whatnot, that I didn't have time to do a posting to my bday. ~_~ *gomen* And I also have some special wallies & bday cards some fangirls made 4 me that I will post.

(Miron's second wallie to me; she used one of the Weekly Pia mag scans, March, 2008)

(Rasha's custom-wallie to me; plez credit her)

(Left bday card: Rasha's Takki bday card to me from him; in our talks/chats together, we have been 'dreaming/making pretend' T&T has been 'our men' in our lives on a daily basis. lol So, she made me a bday card that was from Takki to me, to wish me a Happy Bday. Aawwwww~ Right bday card: Rasha made me this one from both she & Tsubasa. So sweet~ Just wanted to share what she made...that's all. I know to some of you, it may seem rather 'strange' or 'silly' we're like this and think this way about them but, it's 'our' dreamland we've thought of so...sorry if this may offend anyone. -_-)

(Here's some of the things that T&T and Rasha gave me for my bday gifts. I love the shoes and dress chosen. ^_~ (sexy) Esp. that dress Takki chose for me. *melts* Whoa~ And I love the gold was Juicy Coutur. ^_^ I wore the dress w/a shoulder wrap made with kimono material. Celebrated with Takki on my

(Azuki gave me this wallie for my bday. She didn't realize it was my bday on March 23rd so, she wasn't prepared for making anything. I told her it's okay, that I totally don't mind at all, much less I didn't even expect anything from anyone to begin with either. -_- It was such a blessing in disguise from everyone. ^_^ *kyaaaaa* Thaaanks again, Azuki! XDD Now, she actually gave me something else (I won't say right now) too but, I'm savin' it until later. Sorry, I can't tell b4 I spoil it. I won't post them until next month.)

Hope you enjoy these~XDD (and thaaank you, Azuki, Miron, & Rasha) *GLOMPS U GUYZ* CAN'T THANK U GUYZ ENOUGH!!!!


3:21 PM

Friday, March 21, 2008,

**Reiko's Premium Live - 5th Anniv. dvd (Jkt A)!!** (pending shippment: Jkt B)

Heyyy...FINALLY got my T&T Premium Live 5th Anniv. dvd - Jkt A in the mail yesturday (Thurs. @ 8:30am) from Mr. Postman. =D It arrived in the morning, unfortunately...I wasn't home at the time and had to pick it up at the PO instead. -_- Good thing they had the box waiting for pickup. The guy wasn't sure (since it was my 1st missed message) if they had come back or not (from the end of their route) to drop off the unpicked up goods. Thank goodness, someone must've been looking out for me. ^_^

Well, thought I'd take some digital photos off my new Olympus camera from my dvd (what it looks like Hope everyone else got theirs too. If you haven't yet, just hang in there...I'm sure it'll be coming very soon. *gambatte ne* I bought mine from cdjapan again, as I wanted the bonus poster it came with. lol Now I actually wonder whether this poster is 'the same' with every T&T Prem. Live dvd purchase or if it's different. (don't know why I think this way) Don't quote me on this because I think the posters are the same. I hope it's the same though because I'd hate to think that with the different dvds, it's a different poster. -_- lolol (knowing my luck, it would IF it were like that...:P lol)

I was really hoping to watch this Jkt A dvd last night (Thurs.) but, was so busy trying to take care of my hubby, as he's been out sick with a really bad fever/cold. I frustrating as he's been catching colds left and right ever since February. Now, I don't know what he has this time around, as his fever hasn't gone down much (fluctuates btwn 100dgrs & 99dgrs) for 3 consecutive days. Not good yo~ So, he made an appt. this afternoon to see the doc. (thank God) Usually, you know how men are; so stubborn and they don't want to see one. -_- But, this time, since his parents are coming in April to visit and we're all going to Disneyland (beginning of April), we don't want to take any chances. I told him he'd better go see one. The hard part about these types of viruses or bacterias is, it mutates into something else when you catch something. Every cold is different and everyone's immune system is different so, sometimes, it can be only a virus (then, you can't receive antibiotics and have to 'ride it out') or it will be a bacteria. If it's a bacteria, then you can receive an antibiotic. -_-

Anyway, I hope he gets better soon before we end up leaving for Disneyland. ~_~ *poor thing*

Here are the photos I've taken off my Jkt A dvd. I can't wait to receive my other shippment from HMV..Jkt B, as it still hasn't come yet. -_-

(1st pic - front of dvd set; 2nd pic - back of dvd set)

(3 disc set)

(I totally feel like this booklet photo looks somewhat like Star Wars now (seriously! lol), as T&T totally looks like they're riding in a Y-wing or something from "Phantom Menace". lolol :P)

(bonus promotional poster from cdjapan w/your order; pretty cool-looking huh? Actually, to tell you the truth, looks 'spacy-like'. lol But, very modern-looking ^_^)


10:19 AM

Wednesday, March 19, 2008,

**Reiko's T&T 0809 digital camera calendar pics**
*Warning: Please DO NOT redistriute digital photos out elsewhere! Please ask me FIRST before doing so.*

Hey, everyone! Thot I'd do a posting of the new T&T 0809 calendar I received yesturday from Sanseido bookstore where I live.

Now, I know you all probably got yours already, and actually, I did too. (a wk or so ago) *BAKA husb. of mine!* Yeah, he told me (on the day of our anniversary of all things) that he heard one of our phone messages that Sanseido left for calendar came into the store awhile ago for pickup. Of coz, I didn't know this and he said since it was on our phone for quite awhile already, he didn't know I never picked up the message. Needless to say, the calendar was sitting at the store, waiting for me, and I NEVER KNEW!!!! Damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it! (dame dame dame yo) That dummy! lolol :P Whyyy my hubby did that, I have no clue. lol I know it's not his fault but still...c'mon! It's MY T&T calendar...and it was sitting in the damn store the whole time. -_- WTF~

Anyyyyyway, here are some of my digital camera photos off my new Olympus camera I got...thanks to my mom for my bday gift. XDD Now, sorry I didn't actually scan the calendar pages themselves becuz I figured why do them again when I've already seen them out on people's blogs? XDD No need to redo them again on mine, right? lol But, these are just digital photos I took of the process of what I went through after taking the cling wrap off the box itself. lol

(with cling wrapping on)

(1st pic - w/o cling wrap; 2nd pic - w/satin ribbon on after you've taken the box cover off)

(1st pic - frame; 2nd pic - underneath the frame)

Yeah, there's a frame that comes with this box set of calendars. It's sooooo kireii! It's even embroidered somehow (on the frame). It's hard to explain but, you just have to see it to see what I mean. Since each calendar is seperate...and there are individual monthly photos to each calendar, you can actually fram
e whichever picture to your liking using this frame. Isn't it so cool? Of coz, I'm never gonna use mine. lol 1) I was afraid the lighting (sunlight) to it could cause the pics to 'fade'. (due to the frame) and 2) I still wouldn't use my T&T stuff. I'll take them out to oogle over/look at, but I just won't use it...that's all. My T&T stuff is too precious to use. XDD (I'm like that with my stuff...lolol)

(Tsubasa calendar)

(unit calendar)

(Tackey calendar)

Sorry...I had my daughter help me out in holding the calendar for me to take pics of it. lol She's been a great T&T helper for me. XDD (a 'future' T&T fangal in the making...lololol :P Yesss, I've starting her off early. *pffffft*) She was sitting on top our table holding the calendar box for me. lolol

Now, each calendar has seperate photos of every month. You know those beautiful scans everyone kept seeing from either on someone's lj or on the forum? Yes, those scans are what I'm talking about. They're, you're getting photographs of EACH calendar! @_@ It's like getting 3 calendars in one. XDD *SUPA KOOL* And each month is a photograph. *dies* Man, I love all 3 to tell you the truth. I have no preference this time as to 'which' calendar I love the most. (i.e. unit, Takki or Tsu) But, if I had a choice...sorry to say, but I think I'm liking Tsubasa's calendar first, then comes Takki's a close-second. ^_~

Here is the T&T Planning Schedule booklet. It's quite small in size but, some of the pages are soooo kawaiiiiiiii~ Here are a few 'sample' pages I took off my new Olympus digital camera.

*T&T Planning Schedule - inside**

(aren't these pics sooo kawaii of them? XDD)

(Omg, and look at these! lolol So kyoot, I swear. I wonder if it was part of Takki's idea to have these little animation drawings in this planner? :P lol I just LOVE the gymnast one on the bar [2nd pic]. And Takki's expressions are always funny

(Look at them on the trapeze thing...kyooot~ Takki's throwing 'a Question' out, and Tsubasa's throwing back an 'Answer'. How clever they drew this ne? ^_^)

(And look at this one of T&T upside down, hanging from a tightrope thing w/their legs. lolol LOL, they could be a part of the circus (Bailey & Barnum) here whenever the circus acts come to San Diego. lolol We took our daughter to it and it was pretty good actually. (esp. the women who do these tricks like this photo w/their feet/legs) uwaaa~ Looked like they were gonna fall but, they were really good! And the music played at the circus, 'sensual-like', like belly dancing music. ^_~)

This is about all I'm gonna post here from it. lol If you wanna see more, you'll just have to buy it yourself if you're curious. ^_^ But, Rasha, you know I'll send them over to you, right? (since you're unable to buy anything online; no cc)

Well, hope you
all got yours (or will be getting yours shortly). You know what though? If there's one T&T calendar I recommend anyone buying right now, it's THIS far. You can't even compare unless you've see this in person. *kyaaaaaaaaa* It's sooooo kireiiiiiiiiii~!!!!! I swear I thought I was opening a wedding album or a wedding gift of T&T's. ^_^


9:32 AM