
Saturday, June 14, 2008,


If I don't get the chance to blog on here tomorrow, I just wanted to say to all the father's out there, including my own father...and my hubby too now, wishing them both a Happy Father's Day.

I just wanted to say a little 'something' here to my dad. Thank you, Dad, for raising me up in this crazy-silly world of ours. I know in the past when I was in my younger teen years, I must've been a 'royal' pain at times, and then at times, your 'Princess'. I'm still your 'lil Princess...(now he calls me 'Queen' lol) and I hope some day, I'll get the chance to reply you for all the love I have for you. Thank you for putting up with me and all my quirks and my style, thank you for sticking by me through the tough times when things didn't go my way.

I ESPECIALY wanna thank you SO MUCH...for supporting me in my T&T/Takki obsession too. God, if it weren't for YOU, I'd NEVER wouldn't have known who Takki was (and T&T as a grp). My first, ever, vhs video you sent across the miles to me was Yoshitsune. I'll never ever will forget that. You stuck by me when Mom nor my hubby backed me up in this 'thing' of mine. *sighhh* ~_~ And then, you sent me 'Chichi no Umi, Boku no Sora'. *melts* Then, if that wasn't enough, you sent me 'Satoken' (Satomi Hakkenden) too!!!! *kyaaaaaaaaaa* Thank you thank you thank you for your generosity & kindness in sending over those vhs tapes to me. I LOVE u to death! *biiig hug* (bless his heart)

But most of all, THANK YOU Dad, for being my 'father' precious MAN on earth. (aside from Takki too, that is...lolol)

As for my hubby...

I don't know what to say (because a million things are flowing through my mind on 'what to say' for you here) but that I'm so eternally grateful for our 'precious' 'lil daughter we've raised together. I can never repay you enough for sticking by me like crazy when things between me and my Takki-obsession got in the way of our relationship. I know there'll never be another man out there like you who'd accept my Takki-obsession (and Internet problem, and ME) and craziness the way you have. (well, in a reluctant sort of way) We've made it this far together...through 7 beautiful years through it all, no matter come what may. (can you believe it's been that long already) How time sure flies. And now that we've also reached another 'turning point' in our lives with our ages (the platou; pinnacle part), I've realized that life is too short in this world to let things slip past us, both being a family together with our daughter, as well as being a loving couple. I'll always be eternally grateful for our 'togetherness', and for having YOU in my life. *I love you!*

I love you both...and enjoy your day today. *hearts*


5:32 PM

Friday, June 13, 2008,


Ohhhhh…myyyyy…godddd. I HAVE to share this bit of info I just found yesterday (Thurs.) from a special friend of mine.

But first off, I have to let you in on a ‘lil story that led me to this doll of mine. It all started when I was chatting online the other day with Stephichan on msn. She told me of this ‘rare’ find she found on ebay (or was it on someone’s site…*gomen*, I forgot). Anyway, she was wondering whether if she should get this plush Akanishi Jin (from Kat-tun) doll or not. So, I asked her if she had a pic to show me. When she emailed me it, omg…I was totally ecstatic and kyaaaaaaaing for her to ‘get it’. (or rather, ‘hinting’ to her) And the darn doll looked so kawaiiiiii too of all things! It’s hella cute! I also asked her ‘how much’ it was, and it wasn’t bad. For around $20something (not including S&H), it wasn’t bad at all. So, I kept telling her to get it…and that if she didn’t get it, that I’D get it for her. lolol :P (as a ‘gift’ or something) She kept on debating what to do. Finally, after chatting with me for about a half-hour about it, she finally gave in. ^_^ I told her ‘Seeeee? That’s the spirit!’ lol We broke the ‘Jin’-spell and she bought it, direct. Not through bidding or whatever. Straight with a cc. COOL~ Plus, we both figured that if she let it slip by through bidding for it, what if someone else snatches it and she’d be out of a doll all together, you know? I just couldn’t let that happen to her. Not after finding a ‘rare’ find like this one.

(Steph's 'future' Akanishi Jin doll coming to her very soon. Kawaiiiii~)

*baka Reiko* didn’t take up the offer back then. I was stupid to decline her offer when she offered the ‘idea’ to me at the time. Turns out, Stephichan talked me into trying to contact her again just to see. Couldn’t hurt, right? The least she could say was ‘no’. So, I wrote her an email about it yesterday (Thurs.). She wrote me back and GUESS WHAT????

There’s plans in the making in helping to sew me a Takki doll now! *kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa* I’ve been waiting…wanting…SOOOO BADLY for someone…anyone…to make me one for a long time now. And now, my dream will finally come true. My very own, Takki plushie doll. *melts* And hopefully, it’ll be with Takki’s ‘new’ hairstyle too. *squeal* (well, we’re gonna try anyway…no guarantees…lol *crosses fingers*) It’ll probably look ‘somewhat’ like Azuki’s Takki doll…maybe.

OMG, I CAN’T WAIT! I’ll have *HIM* to sleep, kiss, cuddle/snuggle, caress and hold, every night when I go to bed or carry around the house when my hubby isn’t home during the day…lol. It may not be the real Takki…but hey. I’ll settle for anything right now since I’m unable to go to Japan to see him. It’s the best I can do for myself while I wait ‘til some day…I can be able to see the real Takki in person, LIVE at a con or at his Enbujo play. (wait ‘til the day Takki sees it in the audience at a con or something…he’ll think this fan of his is hontoni nutz or crazy. lolol :P Yeah, ‘crazy-girl-Reiko’ sounds more like it.) =_=

I also plan on having clothes made for it too. I want her to sew me an Aloha print, Hawaiian-style short-sleeved, buttoned down shirt with a matching surf bermuda board shorts. I wanted a ‘Hawaiian-outfit’ because I’m originally from Hawaii. And, since there’s dozens of stores that sell this type of material across the island, my mother can get me Hawaiian-print material anywhere. Also, I figured that getting Hawaiian style type material is ‘original’ and ‘unique’ because it’s from Hawaii.

(Azuki's T&T dolls; kawaiiii~)

And I’d also like one more outfit to go with my Takki doll. I don’t know what I’d like the ‘other’ outfit to be. Any suggestions you can give me for another design? Do you think the ‘pink’ glittery outfit that Azuki has on her doll? Ohhhh! I have an idea! Why not the X-Dame outfit where Takki’s wearing a blk suit w/white shirt, white scarf, and red cummerbund in the PV? HOMG~ *definitely*

I also want to add buttons to the shirt so I can sort-of…ahem…’unbutton’ it to change his clothes. Heyyyy, it’s not what you think. (dun think nasty thoughts, ok? lol) Of coz, how can you not think ‘nasty’ thoughts, right? lol *wink* ^_~

Then, if THAT wasn’t enough, the other day, another fangirl friend of mine showed me a link to someone’s LJ in an email. When I went to see their blog, I found something of interest to me and wanted to get it.

It was a ‘rare’ find, as it’s a Tackey J-web Countdown ’07 photoset and a T&T Jshop photoset. And guess what???? She said she’s got BOTH sets available and will put them on the side for me! *kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa* HOMG, I can’t wait! And, she said I didn’t have to have a paypal account either. I can just send her US dollars concealed in an envelope or something. COOL~ The great part about it too is, it’s only $20bucks. So cheap. I love cheap deals. =D Hey, for me, $20bucks these days are somewhat, reasonable or…cheap. And in Jpop, that’s hard to come by these days, with all the cds and dvds being so expensive and everything. And, since I had several $20’s lying around my dresser drawer, they’re just waiiiiiiting to be ‘used’. lolol :P Welllll, they are. This ‘rare’ find of mine couldn’t have come at a better time because I’m getting paid on Friday of all things, plus the several $20s I have lying around my dresser drawer and walleto. ^_~ So, what better way to spend it on, than T&T stuff, right? Hey…gotta support our guys somehow, ya know…right?

Well, as they say here in the U.S…

♥♥♥♥I’M STOKED!!!!♥♥♥♥

Anyway, just wanted to ‘share’ in all the MAJOR *kyaaaaaaaaing* and excitability I’ve been going through this past week (and last) due to the mags I’ve bought with T&T’s KAKKOII-ness in them, that half-hadaka Utaban vid clip of T&T I watched (finally!) @_@, and all the Koi Uta cds we’ve all just received. lol :P. I guess I just can’t get enough of Takki. *melts*sighhh* (still mesmerized…dazed…into his love-trance…)


9:32 AM

Tuesday, June 10, 2008,

Heyyy, everyone! So sorry I hadn't posted in such a long while now on here. I'll make a posting tomorrow of my new mag scans, as well as my stash of Koi Uta cds. ^_^ For starters, I'd rather post Mich's pics cuz technically, I bought these same ones too so...I'd much rather use Mich's .gif pic she took of her stash. (thought it was so COOL the way she did hers) *thank you, Mich for letting me use ur .gif pic!* (hugs)

(Mich's .gif pic; sorry the .gif isn't working for some reason *cry*)

And, Stephichan...what can I say but...ARIGATOU GOZAIMAAAASU for your expertise in putting up the Koi Uta music onto my blog now. *hearts to her* Omg, my heart was pounding a mile-a-minute when she did this for me while we were chatting on msn yesturday. After she told me it was up, I was all 'KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~!!!!' @_@ I can't seem to see the bear tho. *cries* I think it's my own. For some reason, everyone else seems to see it but me. It's ok. As long as I can hear T&T's music, that's the main thing ne? *sigh*melts*

Anyways, will post my mag scans tomorrow ok? *promise* Look for the entry. I have the music on 'wrap-mode' so...hehe~ so sorry if you're continuously hearing this song over n'over n'over again n'again. lolol (and again...and again) *pfffft*


4:13 PM