
Saturday, December 8, 2007,

**PICSPAM: Reiko's One! recital 'unofficial photos', mabo's One!interview Engl. translations & pamphlet scans, and SC 'Tackey Special Project' screenies**

Before I go on, I'd like to send a 'shoutout' dedication to Rasha, as she just celebrated her 20th bday (I think). Gomen, gomen...sorry I may have forgotten 'how old' you turned. Even though we've only known each other for a short time, I still feel like we've known each other forever, like a close fangirl sister. ^_^ *chuu chuu* Well, below is my dedication youtube fanvid someone did for Takki's 25th bday. I know it's someone else's, and I don't know how to do something like this. But, this was one of my favorites off youtube. So, from my favorite fanvid on Takki's bday to yours...dosou~ XDDD Btw, on a sidenote, I had the vid clip on here but decided to take it off because it was blocking my cbox.

click on link below:

HAPPY 20TH 'belated' B-DAY, RASHA!!!!

Hey,'s things with you all?

I hope it's WAY better than mine right now, as I'm right in the process of pre-ordering my One! - the History of Tackey dvd on cdjapan this morning (11:00 am/PST). Unfortunately, the dang thing is giving me (more like HELL!) probs online because it's constantly asking and taking me to the verification cc process through my bank and Visa card. I've never had problems before...until now. And it's not like I've never bought anything from cdjapan before either. Cdjapan or these merchants should come up with a new and better system for repeat customers so I wouldn't have to go through all this freakin entire Visa verification process-jazz in the future. I'm soooo angry right now, it just kills me to see that I'm unable to complete my transaction! I was soclose too and then upon finishing...


So...because of all this hassle, I ended up having to cancel my order and sign out. (I'll have to go back tonight or when my hubby awakes from his nap; he'll be so mad at cdjapan) My hubby knows about me buying online though, as I asked him last night. And he let me...for once. lol :P (because I had the money...hehe~ that always helps ^_^)

My mother-in-law sent over some Xmas money to me (they do every year) and thought I could buy myself a Xmas gift, which was this One! dvd I'd been wanting to get ever since I got word on email from cdjapan it's ready for pre-ordering. Now that I have the money and the 'ok' signal from my hubby to buy the damn thing, cdjapan is giving me online problems with my order. I don't need this from them, you know? *WTF!!!!* Not now, not EVER. If there's ever any bad-timing, it's NOW, I swear. *cries*

I just got word from a fangirl friend that there's a skip option for this thing, but because I used this process before with my past orders, cdjapan's (or possibly could be with my Visa cc w/the bank since it might be participating with this program) not letting me bypass this option. (it seems) I dunno what to do anymore. I think I should ask my hubby to buy it for me using his own cc. I dunno...maybe I'm doing something wrong, who knows. My hubby says it could be my email address that's screwing me over because whatever email addy I used when I first opened an acct. with my bank, is what it may be asking me. That's why I'm having such a hard time in the ordering process. Oh well...wish me luck, cuz I'll need ALL the luck (and help) I can get. *crosses fingers*

Well, so to make me feel better today, I'm gonna do a posting on Takki's SC Special Project with some screenies I made. It's quite funny actually because I'm only gonna focus on one particular part of it. (I think you probably can figure it out I'm also gonna post a couple pics off the One! - the History of Tackey pamphlet as well as mabo's translations to the pamphlet interview with Takki . (arigatou, mabo, for letting me do so)

Last week, I went on her lj and noticed a post about Takki's SC Special Project with the new Johnny's group he's working on. I d/led the clip and decided to make my own screenies of it, even though probably everyone's already seen this by now. lol :P But anyway, it's for the taking and I don't really care what you do with them so, be my guest in reposting these if ya want on your own sites as well as not crediting me for them. (no need, honest) The pics didn't come out too well anyway so, that's why I'm not particular with these screencaps. lol

(May I remind you too that Takki's bun in this clip is sooo cuute too~ ^_^)

There was one part I noticed in the very beginning of this clip that made me laugh, chotto. (sort-of blush, actually) lol It was one of the guys in the group...the leader (forgot his name) but, I'm gonna call him 'the guy with the glasses' for now. lolol :P He was discussing some things with Takki about the dance sequences, etc. etc. and all of a sudden, he turned away and chuckled a bit.

It was like as if Takki said 'What...' as he played this mp3 clip on his laptop. I recognized it was the very beginning part to Takkuricon 2005 EroEro dance portion. Sounded like a woman in :P (aaaaaaahh~) Omg, and then to think of all things, Takki has this clip on his laptop and proudly shows it off to the Jr. lol :P (Aiya, Takki! *bonks* him on the head, chotto) It seemed like the Jr. was chotto-embarrassed a bit cuz he looked away and laughed. But, it was quite funny to see the two of them, esp. Takki. He had no expression whatsoever, like it was 'nothing' to him to have it on the laptop and play it. lolol

They're probably working on the 'eroero' portion with this new group, I think. (I dunno) It's almost like it's a Johnny's tradition in cons to have these 'eroero' dance routines. I mean, why else would Takki play it with a straight face (at first)? lol But, don't know what Takki said when he put his hand to his chest...hehehe~ (wished I knew)

Well, enjoy the Tackey SP Project screenies~XDD (and let me know what you all think)

Oh, and I also wanna include one more set of pics. They're from my own personal archives of the many Jshop photos I own. Well, they're 'unofficial' ones to be exact, because they don't have the official Johnny's seal on them. They're 3 One! recital photos. I'll post these up in dedication to Takki's One! recital dvd coming out soon.


*credit pamphlet scans:*

(pamphlet photo scans)

(English translation to Takki interview; 4 parts)


(Note: If anyone else has One! photos (whether official or unofficial) to share, can you let me know via email? I'm still looking around for more to add to my collection. Now, if you want any, don't hesitate to ask me for some too ok? Just ask for my email addy on my cbox if you don't have it. Thanks so much!)

Sorry the scans of the One! recital unofficial photos aren't as clear and sharp, but I used my home scanner long time ago. Maybe I'll rescan them again using the univ. library scanners later. Now, whatever you do, please DO NOT TAKE OFF MY TAGS. Thanks...and enjoy~ XDD


11:39 AM

Sunday, December 2, 2007,

**Reiko's Takki-slideshow**

Last night, I fooled around with Rockyou slideshow via facebook and decided to make myself another slideshow since the one I have on my facebook profile was gettin' pretty old. lol So, I hope this works on here, as I have to copy/paste the coding onto 'edit html' (for this entry) in order for it to work. Now, if you can't view the slideshow for some reason, please let me know. I'm new to all this coding stuff so, bare with me if you see a blank box after this writing. lol :P (or if it's blank and there's no slideshow thingy) Enjoy~XDDD **Note: Try clicking inside the blank space. You'll see an outline of the box where the space is.**

If you can't (for some reason) view this slideshow, here's the link to it:

Hope you can view it, as this one's one of my better one's yet. ^_~

Oh...on another sidenote, don't mind the writing to the slides of the show, as I thought I'd make one like as if you're personally invited to meet Takki , like maybe his at his house, his hotel room, or whatever your mind desires to dream to...and you're on a romantic date with him for the night. So, if the slideshow pics and my writing sounds a wee-bit 'eroero'-like, forgive me. *blushes* Hey...I missed seeing Takki around (pics, etc.) since I was sick and couldn't go online for awhile, and since there was a slight drought with all the T&T stuff happening, I just HAD to do something like this to stop my insatiable-insanity for some *Takkiness*. lolol :P (did I make any sense? lol :P) Omg, it's the morning for me (9:27am) and remember...I don't do mornings well either. lol

**Takki's new haircut**

Now, I know this is old news, but I got word from Michelle ( that I could use her screencaps from the Zubari epi I was talking about earlier as well as the 07.12 Myojo scan from the new dorama Takki's acting in for the NHK New Year's SP dorama.

(07.12 Myojo - credit scan: Michelle @

(my reaction/comments to the photos)

(Reiko's wallie made w/Myojo pics)

Omgoodness, you've GOT to see his haircut in this Zubari epi! *dies* He cut it short again (which is GOOD considering it was gettin' pretty's back to black!! *dies* @_@ It looks good now. But, it does have a slight tinge of the old color within...kinda reminds me like he highlighted bits n'pieces of his hair on top. (sort-of) It's mostly black, don't get me wrong. But, I can tell just a 'tinge' of highlights in it. It's pretty nice, actually. XDDD And I LOVE it!! *squeeeeee* It totally matches him now.

(Cuuute smile ne? *melts*)

(and look at the expression on his face as to what Kazuchan told him...kawaiiii~)

(Cuuute bun! *squeeee*) ^_^

Now, this last screenie above (credit: Mabo from was taken from Takki's new project he's working on with forming a new group. (my understanding) Now, correct me if I'm wrong. But anyways, this was his first practice session he had with the Jrs. I think this was Shounen Club Premium? (not sure) Well, I still have yet to d/l this clip, so I haven't watched it either. *sigh* Gonna try grabbing it. If someone has it, can you please upld it to me? *onegai* Thaaanks! =D I think this must've been before he got the new haircut and color cuz it's still the 'old' color/style. lol

I SO hope he keeps the new style/color until Xmas Kuricon and for the pamphlet photoshoot. Gosh, it would kinda ruin the photoshoot if he colored it light again ne? ^_^ It'll remind me all too much of last year's pamphlet if he has it light-blondish. *crosses fingers* Chants: keep it black, keep it black...

In any case, enjoy the pics and screenies...and thaanks once again, Michelle, for letting me post these scans & screenies up. *hugs* Let me know what you all think. ^_~


10:46 PM

**Acute bronchitis and 'pink-eye' (conjunctivitis)**

Well, after that sickening bout of dehydration I had, a couple days later…like, right after, I ended up with a whole new thing again. -_- This time, my voice was almost to nil (nothing) and I developed what’s called Acute bronchitis and conjunctivitis (pink-eye). Yuck. If it ain’t one thing, it’s another…I know. Dame dame yo!

Geeez, I was thinking, what in da HELL did I do to deserve this shyt anyway. I was feeling shytless and sooo miserable by then. And the weather wasn’t getting any better either, as we’re expected to receive rain this weekend. Today (Wed., Nov.28), it’s been cloudy all day too and for the past several days, it’s been very cold. Joy.

By the second day of having this, I went to see my regular doctor and he checked my throat, ears, eyes, etc. Turns out he said I developed Acute bronchitis and conjunctivitis, which is ‘pink eye’.

As for the acute bronchitis, it’s fairly common and doesn’t do much harm. It’s not like chronic bronchitis or full-blown bronchitis. 1) I don’t smoke (never did, ever tried, never will either) and 2) I don’t have asthma. The only thing I read in my American Family Journal Medical Guide book (at home) about it is if I lived in an area where there’s air pollution. And now, I can see why I may (or may not) have developed it. Think about it. Remember the California Wildfires that happened in my area not too long ago? I think that might be the cause as to why the acute bronchitis surfaced again. Well, it also didn’t help that I developed it when I was a kid too. It also stated in the book that if a person developed it from a young age (elem.), and kept having recurring bouts every few years, chances are likely it’ll resurface again later in life. Great. So, if the air quality during the Wildfires was what triggered it to come back, I guess I have no choice then. I just have to learn to deal or live with it. I can end up relocating to live somewhere else, but that would mean we’d have to leave everything behind and start our lives all over from scratch. And for my daughter who’s only 4, that’s no good in raising a sound familiy; having to uproot often. I want her to have a stable life like we did growing up back home in Hawaii. I know the Wildfires happened only twice during the time I’ve lived in San Diego, but that doesn’t mean the Wildfires will happen every year either. I guess the book was just saying that if you live in an area where there’s constant air pollution, then dealing with acute bronchitis will resurface every few years, that’s all.

With me, my coughing was a hacking cough that did sound bronchi-tish. I also ended up almost losing my entire voice. Whenever I wanted something (or just to talk), I had to end up whispering to my hubby & daughter. (wondered whether I had laryngitis too on top of all this…eeww) My membranes were totally clogged and I couldn’t breathe nor sleep at all at night. I kept getting up, seemed almost every hour in the middle of the night and I had a lump in my throat. It was so painful to even swallow, much less eat or drink anything. But, I had to keep on drinking water, juice, Gatorade, whatever to keep hydrating myself…even in the middle of the night. And since we ran the heater every night because of the winter cold (and I kept my windows closed), my room became stuffy, slightly hot, and dry. But, I couldn’t help it. That’s how it had to be in my room. (minus the dryness) My throat at nights would sometimes become dry, so I’d wake up to drink water and go back to sleep. I used the bathroom a couple of times while everyone was asleep, but it was alright. The book also said I need to keep warm and to have a humidifier in the room. My daughter has one in her room but that’s about the only one in the house. And I surely didn’t want to take it away, since she needed it too. (she comes first before me) But, I’ve been managing without a humidifier, for now, until my hubby can buy me one soon.

Other than that, I’ve just been taking things as they come day by day. I’ve never even really been able to go out anywhere either. Not even for some Xmas shopping…until today (Nov. 29/Thurs.). FINALLY…I was able to see civilization again. lolol Even though I was coughing every so often, it wasn’t like I was sick anymore, flat on my back. Of course, I had to bring my daughter along, but she was really good considering she was slightly coughing too.

**Nov. 29 outing**

Today, I wanted to eat lunch at the food court in the local mall, so I had my food ‘to go’ at Genghis Khan Chinese Rest. They cook your food right in front of you on a very large Wok-type stove while you wait. You pay first, then choose whatever condiments you want, along with varying meats. You just help yourself to the condiments/veggies/tofu as you go along. At the end, they pour over your bowl whatever type of sauce you want, and then chose either rice or noodles. It’s really quick and fairly healthy (I guess) for a fast-food joint. It’s a great place to choose when you’ve also got children in mind. lol (fast & easy) Can’t be fussing over a sit-down-type of rest. or place that’s not 'kid-friendly’. I’m always going here when I want to eat something Asian, fast, is with my daughter, and it's cheap. lol :P

Afterwards, I headed on over to Wretzels Pretzels since she wanted to eat that for lunch for herself. So, I grabbed a bag of mini-pretzels with Cinnamon. Mmmmm! The pretzels are so fresh and soft…just like they were baked right out of the oven. I just LOVE this place to death. lol :P (esp. children love this place)

After we all ate our lunches, I wanted to head over to the Victoria’s Secret Store. This was the place on my list I wanted to hit before we went home. In the mail, I received a promotional card-thing that stated to bring in the card for a $10.00 off purchase between now and Dec.18. I wanted to check out what they had for the holidays and any gift boxes…just for ‘ideas’ for Xmas gifts. I always come here every year during the holiday season for Xmas gifts for friends, family, etc. ^_^ It’s just a ‘perfect’ place (I think) for any woman or girl. I mean, how can you not like something in there? lolol :P I always like VS. ^_~ *wink*

Well, I ended up buying myself two simple, cotton long-sleeve sleepshirts. On the front, it says "Love Victoria’s Secret" written in silver. I bought both light pink and red sleepshirts. Figured I can use ‘red’ for Xmas, you know? (and possibly for Valentines…who knows…lol) But, I’m gonna be back tomorrow again for more stuff for myself. lol :P See my sin? ^_~ (besides loving Takki, that is)

Whoops, you know what? Now it's too big for me...a size S!! O_O Yikes! And I think even if I were to buy myself the XS size, it will still be too big. The S is like an L for me; dang. Now I have to go back and exchange it for something else. So humbug now. *urusai* Hmm...I did see a couple of nice sweat pants and matching sweat jacket hoodies though...hehehe~ What to buy...what to buy...

**Victoria's Secret Supermodel & Takki comparison**

You know, speaking of models though, one of my newer, favorite VS Supermodels is Alessandra Ambrosio.

She’s been one of their long-time models now and I first noticed her long ago from one of my VS catalogs back then. I always thought she was so pretty and SEXY. *oooohh la la* You should see her in these catalogs…hehe~ *Psst…Takki. Check out Alessandra from VS! j/k j/k She’s sexy in a camisole & miniskirt…*pffffffft* Well, doesn’t T&T want the fans to come dressed as such for this year's Xmas Kuricon? :P

But to tell you the truth, even as sexy, beautiful, alluring, and pretty as Alessandra is, she doesn’t match with Takki. Nope. lol In whatever picture she was posed in for the catalog, and when I put it up against Takki’s pics (whatever pics too), she was too sophisticated/glamorous-looking against him. Takki looks too much like her younger kid-brother. lolol :P I think she looks much older than him anyway, even though they may be slightly the same age…not sure

And, (in only my own humble opinion) Takki looks much better suited for a girl who’s Asian-looking, petite, and naturally pretty (not glamour/pretty). Not that Alessandra isn’t. It’s just…well…you’ll see what I mean when I post her pic here as a ‘sample’ against Takki’s. Even when I compared him dressed in a suit, he didn’t match against her pic. Maybe Takki has a ‘baby-face look’ to him against her. Hahaha…I’ll just have to wait a few more years for him to ‘mature’ (look ‘older’), I guess? lol In any case, tell me what you think between the two. XDDD

(Note: googled Alessandra photos on the Web)

(credit Takki photo on lj: '06 Xmas Kuricon pamphlet)

(photo credit: Michelle @

My favorites of the ‘old-timer VS Supermodels' is Heidi Klum. I know she’s got her own reality-fashion show on cable as well as being one of the models for the VS Fashion Show aired on national TV every year too. Even though she’s older, she’s also pretty in her own way. Isn’t she a mother too now? (forgot…) I think she got pregnant to Flavio Briattore, F1 Renault Team’s manager but he dumped her and didn’t wanna have anything to do with her or her baby after that. *BAKA* So, now she ended up marrying Seal…the professional singer, Male Artist. I think Seal probably would treat her 100% better than Flavio ever would anyway…I don’t know. I don’t really pay attention to what happens to professional models and the like.

All my online-life consists now are of T&T and Takki (and mah fangals of coz) and whatever happens to the people of Japan and its culture. lol :P (not in my own country…well, sort-of)

Anyway, just wanted to update more on my 'sick' condition and what's been happening with me and my family lately.

Oh! And if my condition wasn't enough, I had to also put up with my daughter's bout of vomitting too (Sat. & Sun.). (thinks she caught it from me...poor thing) She was close to near dehydration but caught it in time by giving her Gatorade. Her temp. didn't go up at all, it was just, I was giving her too little Gatorade with not enough lotted time. (i.e. 1 tsp every 1/2 hr. instead of every 10 min.; wrong dosage) Whoops... We could feel her bones and ribs...the poor thing. It was like I was practically starving her. All she wanted to do for two days was sleep all day and night. She also went without eating for one day. -_- In the end, we caught it in time and she's back to being herself again playing video games, watching tv with us, and finally ate her first meal of macaroni & cheese. ^_^ She's doing much, much better today so I might think of sending her back to school tomorrow (Mon.). We'll see... (she's been out of school 2 wks prior)

So, take care of yourselves, keep warm out there this winter, and bundle up. (except for the ones who live in hot climates; lucky you! :P) Don't wanna hear my fangals catching colds or getting sick like me, ok? Believe DON'T want what I had.



10:09 AM