Wednesday, November 14, 2007,
(as of Tuesday, Nov.20) *T&T Nat'l Tour 2008*Found out from Stephichan (thanks, sis!) and after looking on Mich's website, T&T will be having another Nat'l Tour again next year in 2008! *dies* @_@ First of all, is anyone going by any chance? *onegai* Please let me know?? (via email or my cbox) lololThis time it’s from January 12th to March 23rd - a total of 41 shows, in 21 locations. (tkt prices are 6,800 Yen) And you know what breaks my heart royally? My bday falls on the exact same day as the Fukuoka locale!! WTF~ Of all days...ON the day of my bday, thaaaank you. Geez, Lord knows...whyyyyyyy on my bday????Here are the locations:
Jan 2008
12th @ Ooita 18:00
13th @ Nagasaki 13:00 / 16:30
14th @ Kagoshima 12:00 / 15:30
19th @ Hiroshima 14:30 / 18:00 (my hubby's great-parent's birthplace)
20th @ Yamaguchi 12:00 / 15:30 (my great-parent's birthplace)
26th @ Miyazaki 14:30 / 18:00
27th @ Saga 12:00 / 15:30
Feb 2008
3rd @ Sapporo 13:00 / 16:30
9th @ Nagano 18:00
10th @ Niigata 13:00 / 16:30
11th @ Ishikawa 13:00 / 16:30
16th @ Shiga 14:30 / 18:00
17th @ Tokushima 12:00 / 15:30
23rd @ Wakayama 14:30 / 18:00
24th @ Kyoto 13:00 / 16:30
Mar 2008
1st @ Saitama 14:30 / 18:00
2nd @ Tochigi 13:00 / 16:30
9th @ Gunma 13:00 / 16:30
16th @ Miyagi 12:00 / 15:30
22nd @ Hyogo 14:30 / 18:00
23rd @ Fukuoka 13:00 / 16:30 *Reiko's bday*Lucky for those who can make it. *sigh* I TOTALLY envy you. *grunts* j/k j/k :PThen, another thing...Yesturday, after walking into Sanseido to special order my copy of the 07.11 Songs mag, I went to the Book Cafe J bookstore nearby. Spotted the 07.10-23.11 TV Life mag and bought it even if there was no T&T in it. lolol (what a lousy $4 bucks spent, but well-worth it There was only one, friggin' small photo and it was Takki's new NHK 'yukichan' dorama to air in Jan. '08. It was shown of him in a Japanese samurai outfit with his hair done up again like Yoshitsune. *kyaaaaaa* And another photo of him like that 'onnagata-style' in a kirei-looking kimono with his face painted...the whole works. O_O At first, I had to look twice because this time, it was REALLY painted fully. NOT like Enbujo this time. The makeup was heavy-looking. (to me, anyway) I was all, 'Eehhhhhh?? Is that Takki?' Yup, after examining the photo closely, it was. *melts*I was all, 'yessss...he's gonna play another 'period-type'(hopes). I mean, not like Yoshi but a more simpler type. If not, that's ok. It should be one heck-of-a dorama to watch, I'm sure. I just love ancient Japanese kabuki-stuff. ^_~ And anytime I watch Takki wearing a samurai outfit or kimono, makes me fall in love with him all over again. Can't wait for this to come already. I'm soooo much on a *Takki*-drought, it's not even funny anymore. -_-
(Takki's New Year's 2hr. special NHK dorama; wished I knew what the name of it was) Sorry this scan is blurry somewhat. Scanned it on my home scanner; not the university's. Gomen... When I get the chance, I'll rescan it better for you all later. =)
(as of Monday, Nov.19) Found out from Azuki *chuu chuu* via email she stumped over this Chinese site and found a whole bunch of KAKKOII-looking Damecon Yoko pics and other CR/X-Dame ones. I've never found them before so, it was a welcome sight to see. @_@ *dies* If you havn't gotten some of these to your Johnny's official photo collection, by all means, check out this link. If you've got'em all, then you can just ignore this message. lol Warning: *nosebleed* Here's the link:
Enjoy~ XDDDD (don't say I didn't warn you though if you develop any *HOT* flashes of the sort... *pants* @_@ :P
I also special ordered from Sanseido today the 0711 Songs issue. Couldn't resist. I don't know why...I wasn't thinking of buying it at first either. But then, I guess when I walked in the store and saw the Dec. issue, I had to find out where the Nov. issue was. lol They told me they'd be bringing in the mag from now on every month too. @_@ Omg! So, if I ever see T&T or Takki on the cover (or inside), they'll be bringing in the mag on a regular, monthly basis...coolness~ Thaaank you, Sanseido!
So...just for you, below is one of my favorite wallies I found from rasha's lj. She's made several more wallies where this one came from so, please check out her site whenever you can, if interested. This particular one using the 0711 Songs pics...*dies* my all-time favorite of'em all. Enjoy~XDD
(aren't T&T simply *gorgeous* here? @_@ *melts* I can't help notice...but, but...look at Tsubasa toooo!! *faint* Rasha, now you've really gotten me hooked on both of them, seriously. Before it was just only *Takki Takki Takki*. But lately, daaamn. I can't just ignore Tsu too. I've been liking the both of them lately...equally. lol ^_^)
(as of Sunday, Nov.18 @ 4:08pm PST)
Just posted the Damecon Yoko pics of Takki like I said I would. Sorry they came chotto late here. In any case, just scroll down a bit and you'll find them. ^_^ Thaank you so much, you-chan, for letting me post them up. *chuu chuu*hugsAnd as for Rasha, I'll get to your Songs mag pages right after this...thanks too *chuu chuu* for letting me post a couple sample pages. Now, I thought about it and decided not to post ALL the pages. Thot I'd let you all check out her lj site instead if you want them all (or to simply see more of the pages). (hee hee) Enjoy~XDD*credit: R&R @ for Songs scans*(cover)(Takki... @_@ *DIES* ... please cut your hair soon *onegai*? lol :P I miss having your Enbujo blk hair. -_- I haven't cut mine either so, c'mon Takki. Let's get a move-on before my hair starts getting 'wild'-looking. Currently, I'm always having it tied up in a ponytail. And I think my hair is worse than his at the moment. lolol It's salt-pepper on top (grays showing) with my 'old' color still all over. Yuck. (>_<) And as for a having a haircut yet...don't ask...LOL)
O_O him in a blk leather jkt...*dies*(f0r now...pending again with MORE Takki/T&T random stuff)Just thought I'd let you all know...I'm still in the process of resizing down the Harukon dvd screenies I made of Takki's eroero dance. ^_~ Not to mention, I'm resizing down all my screenies from the Takkuricon 2005 dvd...Takki's solo song 'Here I Am'. XDDD Will try to hurry & get the Takkuricon screenies up soon. (gawd, how I loved making them tho...*melts*...@_@ lol)
Well, hopefully things with everyone this week has been so much better than mine lately. Let me explain a bit...
Lately, my 'edit html' for the last entry has kinda screwed things a bit with the font sizing n'such, as well as forgetting to input one of the codings with a ( ). Apparently, somehow, I screwed up the lang. by deleting a certain code for the font and it messed up part of the entry. A fangirl friend of mine has been helping me and gosh, she was a lifesaver for me. Whenever I'd want to edit the entry and post new stuff to it, it automatically said 'edit html' instead of 'compose'. Don't know why. =( I'm so 'dumb' when it comes to computer programming because I hardly ever touched it when I was going to college. I took C++ programming lang. but, it was only a 5wk course. No good if you wanna know it inside and out real well. And to top it all off, I HATED (and still do) taking computer programming!! Aya~ it gave me such a headache because the prog. is so vast and there's no right or wrong way in doing a program. That's why, even more so I hated it. I'm one that has to follow directions to do something in order to figure it out. I mean, I can create something and do stuff on my own independantly too. But, with programming, yuuuck. I even hate talking about it. lolol :P
Nuff about programming...uggghh~ Let's talk about TAKKI...*melts*
With me, every time I talk (or think) about him he makes my life and things so much better to deal with. lol You know what though real quick? I was thinking...wouldn't Takki be better & *hotter* if he had his hair back to blk again with that shorter, spikier the Damecon Yoko pamphlet-look? Homg, I think I'd go crazily 'in love' again if I saw him do his hair like that again. I was just bringing the topic up to Stephichan about his blk hair and how the both of us were thinking the same thing...that we both wished he'd have his hair like that. *sigh* I think I'd go bonkers...serious. lol ^_^ I seriously think that if Takki joins Tsu in the same type of hairstyle, we'd have a hell-of-a unit, duncha think? *wink* ^_~ I think so.
Takki's hairstyle... (Damecon Yoko pamphlet photos)
Tsubasa's hairstyle...(07.12 Duet - Tsubasa)Now, don't you think this pic of Tsu and his new hairdo is *hot*?? O_O Just...for now...until I can get the other pic posted of Takki above this one, just imagine the Damecon Yokohama pamphlet photos of his hairdo then.chotto matte ne...lemme find it...
Whoops. I think I took it off my memory stick...sorry. I'll upld them soon for you guys then. Thought I had them but, guess not. Well, will finish this entry later. The college library will close at 9pm and it's 8:14pm. Gotta jet...bye for now~ ^_^*REIKO*>
6:37 PM